4 names of candidates for the presidential elections from the governing coalition. When should the elections take place

4 names of candidates for the presidential elections from the governing coalition. When should the elections take place

The President of UDMR, Kelemen Hunor, presented what he believes are the most suitable options for a candidacy on behalf of the governing coalition in the presidential elections. At the same time, he also proposed the dates on which the elections should be held.

Those forming the Government must have a single candidate for the presidential elections, stated the President of UDMR, on Digi24.

Kelemen Hunor presented four options for this candidacy: Daniel David, university professor, rector of UBB, or Daniel Funeriu, Theodor Paleologu, Crin Antonescu, personalities who have both the intellectual capacity and qualities, as well as political and human qualities, or at least that's what the UDMR leader believes.

Kelemen Hunor specified that he has not discussed with them and did not rule out the possibility of Nicușor Dan: "There are a few personalities of this kind, if we want to look in the academic field we have Daniel David, university professor, rector of UBB, I have not talked to him, it's my personal opinion. If we want something from the political field, we can talk about Daniel Funeriu, Toader Paleologu, Crin Antonescu, personalities who have both the intellectual capacity and human, political qualities. But I haven't spoken with them. (...) And Nicușor Dan, but everyone must agree with this candidate."

The UDMR leader mentioned that "we need a person familiar with the political world, accepted by all parties, who can evoke emotions and engage in political debates and has the qualities necessary to be the President of Romania."

This common candidate of the parties must be nominated by the end of the year.

"If we want to further upset people, then we can speculate, to postpone the presidential elections until June, but from my point of view, we should organize them as soon as March and there should be a common candidate. This candidate cannot be the President of PSD, nor the President of PNL, nor the President of UDMR, nor the President of USR, if they come into power," emphasized the UDMR leader.

The presidential elections could be held on March 16, the first round, and on March 30, the second round of voting.

"When the coalition agreement is reached, it must state when the presidential elections will be held, next year. If a Government Decision is issued this year, on March 16 we can have the first round and on March 30 the second round, respecting the entire legal calendar. And this government can issue a Government Decision, because it is a government with full powers until December 21. This government will also have to issue an Emergency Ordinance regarding the fiscal measures for next year, because we currently have no budget project," said Kelemen Hunor.

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