A SOS deputy (Dumitru Coarnă – former PSD, former AUR) launched a gross misinformation campaign over the weekend, claiming that a EU directive would force us to implement, starting from…
Everything about education: school enrollment, kindergarten enrollment, preparatory class, national assessment, high school graduation exam, school curriculum, high school admission, and university admission.
Several students have been diagnosed with school phobia: Symptoms that parents need to pay attention to
The condition known as „school phobia” is increasingly common among children of all ages, experts have observed. They are sounding the alarm for parents to pay attention to symptoms, with…
A seventh-grade student gave birth at home
In Romania, a country where sexual education is absent from schools, a 14-year-old girl from Lugoj gave birth at home. According to sources among the investigators, quoted by News.ro, the…
Students - "cry of revolt" to the government: Fleeing the country is the only solution you encourage
The National Union of Romanian Students (UNSR) sends an open letter to the Romanian Government as a „cry of revolt” against the „lengthy reforms and adjustments.” UNSR representatives tell the…
All high school students will study the History of Communism in Romania starting from 2025
„The History of Communism in Romania” becomes a mandatory subject in Romanian schools starting from the academic year 2025 – 2026. The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, says that all…
Politehnica is reviewing the employment file and teaching career of lecturer Călin Georgescu
The employment file and teaching career of Professor Călin Georgescu, an associate professor at the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest – the university center in Pitești, are…
The great secret of education in Ireland that helped two students become Oscar-winning actors
A year off during high school helped Cillian Murphy and Paul Mescal become actors and has positive effects on thousands of students in Ireland. The system is praised by teenagers…
"If we are at version 1.0, how can we function with children who are at version 5.0? Do we understand the children of these times?" - Interview with the director of a different kind of school
We no longer understand their ‘software.’ They move very quickly, consume information rapidly, and we end up working on completely different software at times, which probably leads to incompatibility, their…
13 Romanian students won gold at the Chemistry Olympiad in Indonesia. Minister Ligia Deca promises to reimburse transportation costs only after the scandal has subsided
Thirteen Romanian students have won 13 gold medals at the Applied Chemistry Olympiad in Indonesia, despite the fact that the Ministry of Education did not provide any financial support or…
Harsh analysis: We are raising a generation of sick children. We are the country of the presidium. The mafia of tutoring - we create the subjects, you come to us for preparation - Interview
We are opening the festive school year, we are the country of the podium, and we distribute textbooks to students from 2004. We are raising a generation of sick children…
Iohannis spoke at the opening of the school year about "Educated Romania". Messages for students, parents, and teachers (Video)
President Klaus Iohannis stated on Monday, in a speech delivered at the opening of the school year at the National College „Mihai Viteazul” in the capital, that education is the…
Few Teachers with Top Grades
Only 5,687 teachers (72.58%) out of the total passed the exam and obtained tenure in education. And only 58 passed with a perfect score of 10. The written test is…
The Ministry of Education is said to have pressured for easy subjects in an election year
After the publication of the results from the 2024 Baccalaureate exam, accusations have emerged regarding pressures exerted on the groups of experts who designed the exam papers in order to…
Students excluded from the exam due to Ro-Alert
Several students who managed to bring their phones into the 2024 Romanian Baccalaureate exam, although it is prohibited, were caught red-handed by the Ro-Alert messages sent by the Argeș County…
Top of the best universities in the world. How does Romania fare
A prestigious institution of higher education in the United States leads the QS World University Rankings. The next two spots on the podium are occupied by European universities. The 21st…
Germany gives 1,1 million euros to support education in Romania
Germany, through the German Embassy in Bucharest, supports once again this year the project „Support for teachers in German-language education in Romania” with a total sum of 1,133,000 euros. This…
A seventh-grade student blackmailed his teacher with indecent photos
More and more bizarre cases are happening in Romanian schools. The most recent one took place at a high school in Brașov. A seventh-grade student blackmailed his history teacher. He…
The "emperor" of exams is naked. The exasperation of students and the opacity of adults.
Surely the request to abolish the baccalaureate would be exaggerated. In most European countries, there is an exam to certify competencies at the end of the high school cycle, and…
The teacher who prepares children to be astronauts: She's trained by the European Space Agency and makes NASA training exercises with the little ones
Bianca Boroș is one of the teachers who brings a different approach to education in Romania. Passionate about sciences, she was trained in Belgium at the European Space Agency to…