Iohannis spoke at the opening of the school year about "Educated Romania". Messages for students, parents, and teachers (Video)

Iohannis spoke at the opening of the school year about "Educated Romania". Messages for students, parents, and teachers (Video)

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Monday, in a speech delivered at the opening of the school year at the National College „Mihai Viteazul” in the capital, that education is the foundation on which the future of a nation is built, and teachers are the architects of this future.

Accompanied by the Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, Iohannis spoke to students and teachers about the „Educated Romania” project, stating that education „is done by looking towards the future.”

"Today, here, I see highly motivated students who, under the guidance of dedicated teachers from the 'Mihai Viteazul' College, engage in debate clubs, acquire leadership skills, volunteer for charitable purposes, participate in reading and radio clubs, European mobility programs, are passionate about astronomy, film, robotics, or sports.

These initiatives, which are in line with the spirit of your college, are evidence of an openness so necessary in Romanian education for an education that truly prepares young people for the challenges of the world they will become adults in," stated Iohannis.

The head of state emphasized that schools must be absolutely safe for students, teachers, and all other education personnel.

"One of the top priorities of the 'Educated Romania' project, transposed in the Education Laws of 2023, was precisely to create a school and university environment that is not only conducive to educational development but also a space where all those involved feel protected and respected," specified Klaus Iohannis.

He also had a message for parents.

"You are the ones who provide the support they need to reach their potential. I encourage you to remain involved in their education, to be by their side at every stage of this fascinating journey. I firmly believe that the success of students depends on good collaboration and communication between family and school, as well as the moral support children receive from parents," declared Klaus Iohannis.

He conveyed to teachers that education is done by looking towards the future, without in any way ignoring the present and the past.

"We must accept that the role of education in a student's destiny has radically transformed, just as the economy, industry, or society continue to undergo profound changes. For economic growth and public welfare to be sustainable, they must be based on citizens capable of autonomous, informed decisions, sometimes risky.

Your role in this equation becomes essential because you are the ones preparing the new generations to face challenges and benefit from the opportunities offered to them. You provide models of professional development and practical skills, guidance tailored to the specific context of students. Education is the foundation on which the future of a nation is built, and you, teachers, are the architects of this future," declared Klaus Iohannis.

He also referred to the school infrastructure and equipment, stating that the necessary funds exist to continue modernizing educational spaces, including for the development of "green schools," as we benefit from an additional 2.2 billion euros for education and training through the Education and Employment Operational Program, part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

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