Șoșoacă spoke for the first time in the European Parliament: You have destroyed Romania, Romanians are impoverished by constantly helping the Ukrainians. Why did she go to the Russian embassy

Șoșoacă spoke for the first time in the European Parliament: You have destroyed Romania, Romanians are impoverished by constantly helping the Ukrainians. Why did she go to the Russian embassy

In her first speech in the European Parliament, Diana Șoșoacă accused the EU of „destroying Romania” and bringing Romanians into poverty by continuously aiding Ukraine. She also explained why she went to the Russian embassy.

Diana Șoșoacă spoke on Wednesday in the plenary of the European Parliament during the debate on the need for aid to Ukraine. She accused the EU of „destroying Romania” and impoverishing Romanians by „helping Ukrainians non-stop.”

The Romanian MEP also accused the discrimination against the Romanian minority in Ukraine, who "do not have the right to speak the Romanian language."

Șoșoacă stated that she sent a peace memorandum to all embassies and European institutions regarding Ukraine, but the only one that responded was Russia, which is why she went to the Russian Embassy.

"As a senator of Romania, a position I held in the Romanian Parliament since 2020, in February 2022, I drafted the first international Memorandum entitled 'Neutrality for Romania - The Peace of Bucharest.' I sent it to all embassies involved, including the European Parliament, the European Commission in Bucharest. The only party that wanted to discuss peace, surprisingly, was the Russian Federation, at which point, together with other parliamentarians, we had discussions with them," said Șoșoacă.

Am solicitat în plenul Parlamentului European negocieri de pace pentru oprirea războiului din Ucraina:”În calitate de senator al României, funcţie pe care am deţinut-o din 2020 în Parlamentul României, în februarie 2022 am făcut primul Memoriu internaţional intitulat ”Neutralitate pentru România - Pacea de la Bucureşti”. L-am trimis tuturor ambasadelor implicate, inclusiv Parlamentului European, Comisiei Europene aflate la Bucureşti. Singura parte care a dorit să discute despre pace, uimitor, a fost Federaţia Rusă, moment în care, împreună cu alţi parlamentari, am discutat cu aceştia. Pacea nu se face trimiţând arme. Aţi distrus România, toate drumurile sunt distruse, românii sunt sărăciţi ajutând ucrainenii non-stop. Nu ştiu dacă ştiţi, dar în Ucraina românii nu au dreptul să vorbească limba română. Avem peste un milion de români acolo, au fost maltrataţi, din 220 de şcoli nu mai sunt decât 8 în limba română unde nu se vorbeşte limba română. Li se interzice să vorbească, să se roage. Aşa că vă rog frumos: pentru pace faceţi negocieri de pace, nu trimiteţi arme cu care omorâţi oameni”.

Publicată de Diana Iovanovici-Șoșoacă pe Miercuri, 17 iulie 2024

"Peace is not achieved by sending weapons. You have destroyed Romania, all roads are destroyed, Romanians are impoverished by helping Ukrainians non-stop. I don't know if you are aware, but in Ukraine, Romanians do not have the right to speak the Romanian language. We have over a million Romanians there, they have been mistreated, out of 220 schools, only eight remain in Romanian where Romanian is not spoken. They are forbidden to speak, to pray.

The European Parliament's first position on Russia's aggression

Following the speeches, the European Parliament adopted a resolution reaffirming its view that the European Union must continue to support Ukraine as long as necessary until victory against Russia is achieved.

The resolution adopted on Wednesday with 495 votes in favor, 137 against, and 47 abstentions, establishes the European Parliament's newly elected official position on Russia's aggression against Ukraine. It reaffirms the continuous support of MEPs for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, as reported by Agerpres.

MEPs call on the EU to maintain and expand its sanctions policy against Russia and Belarus.

MEPs reaffirm their strong belief that Russia must financially compensate Ukraine for the massive damages it has caused and welcome the recent efforts of the EU to redirect revenues from frozen Russian assets to support the Ukrainian war effort. They also call for "a robust legal framework for the confiscation of frozen Russian state assets by the EU."

The European Parliament also welcomes the outcome of the recent NATO summit and reaffirms its position that Ukraine is on an irreversible path towards NATO membership.

MEPs call on the EU and member states to increase their military support for Ukraine as long as necessary and in any form.

They also urge the European Commission to propose long-term financial assistance for the reconstruction of Ukraine based on the experience of the recently established Mechanism for Ukraine.

In the resolution, the European Parliament condemns Russia's rocket attack on the Okhmadît children's hospital in Kyiv and the recent visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to the Russian Federation, which is not part of the EU, a visit that constitutes a blatant violation of EU treaties and common foreign policy.

The text mentions that these violations should have repercussions on Hungary. Considering that the so-called "peace mission" of Prime Minister Orban was immediately followed by the attack on the children's hospital in Okhmadît, this demonstrates the "irrelevance" of Orban's alleged peace efforts, as stated in the adopted resolution.

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