O ”super ceaţă” a provocat luni caramboluri uriaşe în care au fost implicate peste 150 de maşini, pe o autostradă din sudul Statelor Unite, pe un pod aflat la vest de New Orleans.
Cel puţin 7 persoane au murit, conform poliţiei, transmite AFP.
„Din primele investigaţii reiese că cel puţin 158 de vehicule au fost implicate în accidentul din această dimineaţă. (…) Au fost confirmate şapte decese”, a scris pe Facebook poliţia statală din Louisiana.
Troop B Transit Alert / I-55 Ruddock and Manchac AreaOctober 23, 20236:45pm Update: Louisiana State Police Investigation Continues into Deadly I-55 CrashSt. John the Baptist Parish – Louisiana State Police and dozens of area first responders continue to search for victims of the crash on I-55 in St. John the Baptist Parish. Preliminary investigation revealed that at least 158 vehicles were involved in this morning’s crash. That total is from both north and southbound lanes. Seven (7) fatalities have been confirmed. Over 25 individuals were transported to area hospitals with varying degrees of injuries from critical to minor. Many victims sought medical assistance on their own. A portion of the crash scene caught on fire shortly after the initial incident. One tanker truck carrying a hazardous liquid is being off-loaded due to a compromised tank/trailer. Once the tanker is removed, first responders will be able to better assess the vehicles in that immediate area. It is possible that additional fatalities could be located. Louisiana State Police asks anyone missing a family member who was traveling through the area this morning to contact Troop B at (504) 471-2775. Further, if you were involved in the crash or were a witness, please contact Troop B (TroopB@LA.gov) and provide Troopers with your contact information. The removal of vehicles will take additional time. Following the clean-up of the interstate, the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development will inspect the bridge for any deficiencies. We will continue to update the public as the investigation progresses. All updates will also be posted to the Louisiana State Police Facebook page.#LSP Drone Footage: Troopers and emergency crews continue to work in the area of these crashes. Both northbound and southbound lanes have extensive debris. Troopers are working diligently to notify families, investigate the exact causes of the crashes and coordinate with Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) to have bridge inspections completed. I-55 is expected to be closed for the foreseeable future. Continue to follow us for updates. Thank you to all area First Responders who are assisting. UPDATE as of 2:30pm:I -10 East and West is now open on the Bonnet Carre SpillwayUPDATE for Road Closures: Interstate 55 southbound is now closed starting at milepost 22. Traffic is being diverted to U.S. Hwy 51. Interstate 55 northbound is now closed at milepost 1. Traffic is being diverted to Interstate 10 westbound. Interstate 10 westbound is now closed at Interstate 310. Traffic is being diverted to Interstate 310 southbound. Interstate 310 northbound is now closed at Interstate 10 westbound. Traffic is being diverted to Interstate 10 eastbound. Interstate 10 eastbound is now closed at U.S. Hwy 51. Traffic is being diverted onto U.S. Hwy 51. Original PostRuddock – Troopers are currently responding to multiple crashes on Interstate 55 (in both directions) between Ruddock and Manchac. There is heavy fog in the area and drivers should avoid the area if possible and use alternate routes. If drivers do experience heavy fog conditions, please see the following: · Headlights on – If you can’t see 500 feet in front of you, you should have your low-beam headlights on· Reduce speed – Speed limits are for ideal conditions, you can be ticketed for driving too fast in heavy fog (not an ideal condition)· Minimize distractions and increase following distance from other carsUse the 511 app or visit LA511.org for additional roadway conditions.
„Mai mult de 25 de persoane au fost transportate la spitalele din apropiere pentru a primi îngrijiri medicale pentru răni uşoare până la grave”, a precizat Poliţia.
În prima parte a dimineţii de luni, ceaţa extrem de densă, cauzată de bruma matinală şi de fumul degajat de incendiile de mlaştină, a redus drastic vizibilitatea şoferilor, provocând coliziuni.
O porţiune din şoseaua pe care s-a produs carambolul "a luat foc la scurt timp după accidentul iniţial", a indicat Poliţia, care a făcut publice imagini cu vehicule distruse şi arse.
Dense fog causes miles-long car pile-up on I-55 near New Orleans
Traficul a fost blocat în ambele sensuri timp de câteva ore după accidentul în lanţ.
"Super-ceaţa" se formează de obicei atunci când vaporii de apă condensaţi se combină cu fumul şi umezeala degajate de arderea materiei organice umede, potrivit Serviciului Naţional de Meteorologie (NWS) din SUA. Fumul venea de la numeroasele incendii de vegetație din Louisiana.
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