The former head of the SRI, Eduard Hellvig, returns to the PNL

The former head of the SRI, Eduard Hellvig, returns to the PNL

Former director of the Romanian Intelligence Service, Eduard Hellvig, has returned to the PNL.

The announcement was made by the Mayor of Sector 1 of the Capital, George Tuță, who also posted a photo of Eduard Hellvig signing the party membership application.

"A good day at PNL," wrote George Tuță on Facebook.

Later, Hellvig wrote on platform X that he feels it is a complicated moment for Romanian democracy as a whole and that now it is necessary for the liberals to be more united than ever.

"Today I signed the membership to the National Liberal Party. I feel that it is a complicated moment for Romanian democracy as a whole and that now it is necessary for the liberals to be more united than ever. I will try to explain the results of the 24th, even if I risk becoming unpopular.

The box office success of the poorly directed film by Mr. Georgescu is a direct consequence of a cruel superficiality of politicians without ideas, who spent their electoral campaign conveniently sucking their bellies, admiring their photo, and believing their own nonsense," Hellvig wrote on X.

He talks about "teams" of people who thought they were puppeteers when in fact they were just ribbon-cutters.

"I'll risk another piece of advice from an old man. Gather in the center, promote convincing people and quality ideas that make the chatter unacceptable. It's that simple. The party has reset, it's time to deliver for the future. There is no time for vendettas, it's time for concrete actions. I have already made my thoughts public about the 'end of transition,' including the development model that I personally consider suitable for Romania. This end of the transition is manifesting, at an accelerated pace for two days, even among the major parties in Romania," noted the former head of the SRI.

Hellvig emphasizes that he is not running for anything, stating that he returned to the PNL in a difficult moment for the party, not when lists were being made or when food was being distributed.

"I have returned to help a party founded on correct ideas, of authentic liberals. To defend my personal values, euro-atlantic centered, conservative center-right, which coincidentally align with those of the PNL. I return to the PNL on a day that has a different connotation for me. On the night of November 26 to 27, 1940, the Jilava massacre took place; a legionary commando assassinated over 60 political prisoners.

Among them, the head of the intelligence service at the time, as well as his deputy. Romania is at a crossroads and Romanians are the only ones who must decide their future. And liberalism is today the moderate path that can align national ideals and the European path in the same sentence," concludes the former head of the SRI.

Hellvig was director of the Romanian Intelligence Service from March 2015 until July 2023.

Eduard Hellvig was a member of the PNL before being appointed director of the SRI by President Iohannis.

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