Nothing in France is decided without the approval of Emmanuel Macron; it is his taste for power that he satisfies by positioning himself as the number 1 adversary of the French far right, with the hope of going down in history as the one who erected a barrier against the Le Pen party. However, France is not Italy, warns Thierry Wolton.
In an interview granted to, historian Thierry Wolton states that a weakening of the „voice of France” in Europe is looming, after President Emmanuel Macron reacted strongly to the far-right victory in the European Parliament elections, dissolving the Legislature and calling for early elections.

„Firstly, we must understand that Emmanuel Macron exercises a hyper-presidency. This was already the case with his predecessors, but never before has the Elysee Palace been so involved in all aspects of political life, even the most minor ones. Nothing in France is decided without his approval, as evidenced by his almost daily interventions.
However, since the legislative elections of 2022 and the loss of the absolute majority (which he had in the previous parliament), he is hindered in his actions, in his hyper-presidency.
Therefore, he decides to make use of this again with this dissolution, which was by no means obligatory. He probably does not imagine that he will be able to regain an absolute majority following this election. Instead, he positions himself at the center of the political game, becoming the number 1 obstacle to a future far-right government, as it is unlikely that Rassemblement National will win these legislative elections.
If RN does not achieve an absolute majority, Macron will be even more at the center of the game, as the Le Pen party will have to collaborate with other forces over which the Elysee can hope to exert its influence.
But even if RN achieves an absolute majority, Macron will do everything in his power to hinder them. His objective is to demonstrate to the French that the far right is not capable of governing and, above all, that it does not respect its promises. The three years leading up to the 2027 presidential elections must serve this purpose in Macron's mind.
Because these presidential elections are the ultimate battle of politics, given the powers that the Constitution grants to the head of state. Hoping to exhaust RN in the test of governance, he believes that Marine Le Pen, a declared candidate in the 2027 elections, will lose credibility, her aura, and thus be defeated.
It is a bet that has the advantage, I repeat, of placing Macron at the center of the game. This man has an oversized ego, he cannot stand anything harder than being marginalized. Essentially, it is his taste for power that he satisfies by positioning himself as the number 1 adversary of the French far right, with the hope of going down in history as the one who erected a barrier against the Le Pen party.
I mention that Macron cannot run again in 2027, as the Constitution prohibits more than two consecutive terms. So, he sacrifices himself, so to speak, so that his camp can retain the Elysee after his departure in 2027.
In this case, he exits the stage forcefully and does not jeopardize his future, as he will still be young. He probably has many ambitions for the period after 2027," says Wolton.
If Le Pen takes over governance, France will enter a period of economic and social turbulence, believes Thierry Wolton.
"Electoral promises only bind those who believe in them. It is evident that once in power, Rassemblement National will face political, economic, and international realities that will force it to make compromises. Hence the disappointment of its electorate on which Macron relies to weaken Marine Le Pen before 2027.
Realpolitik, where peoples are often victims when state interests prevail over the rest, risks making the Rassemblement National voters naive in history. Not to mention that the Le Pen party will encounter very strong opposition within the country, with many social agitations from unions and left-wing extremists who love to play the role of "barriers against fascism." In short, the future for Rassemblement National is not as glorious as its elite hopes and as its voters believe.
The French are not Italians, and it is likely that France will enter a period of economic and social instability that will marginalize it in Europe and on the international stage. Therefore, a weakening of the "voice of France" is announced, as we like to pride ourselves in this country.