Crin Antonescu announces that he is suspending his candidacy for the presidential elections in Romania

Crin Antonescu announces that he is suspending his candidacy for the presidential elections in Romania

Crin Antonescu announces that he is „suspending” his candidacy for the presidential elections in Romania and accuses PSD, PNL, and UDMR of leaving him alone in the campaign.

„If they want me to be a candidate again, they should look for me,” he says.

Crin Antonescu stated that at this moment he considers his candidacy on behalf of the government coalition suspended and justified his decision by saying that, first of all, the official date of the elections has not yet been established, and secondly, there was no unanimous vote from the coalition members.

The schedule for the 2025 presidential elections should be adopted in the first government meeting in January.

"I declare this agreement suspended and, consequently, my candidacy. I did not hesitate, I do not step back, I am willing, but I believe we must be honorable and serious people," said Antonescu on Digi24 on Saturday evening.

"I announce tonight, here, on your show, that unilaterally I consider the agreement regarding the support of my candidacy in the presidential elections by the governing coalition suspended. Consequently, I consider my candidacy for the presidential elections suspended.

I received a proposal to be the candidate of a political coalition in an emergency regime, I accepted, I assumed this candidacy, and I continue to assume it, it is a commitment from which I do not step back, at any moment I go all the way. I consider the agreement suspended until the coalition leaders clarify all aspects," stated Crin Antonescu.

He said he accepted the proposal of the four coalition leaders (PSD, PNL, UDMR, and the group of minorities) because, at that time, on December 22, he was told that "it is urgent" to give an answer, however, he noticed two things, namely that even until now the date of the elections has not been clearly established and decided, although urgency was emphasized, and secondly, he noticed that there is no unanimity regarding his support from all coalition leaders, some being hesitant.

"I expect from them, as a citizen, to behave responsibly and announce immediately the date of the presidential elections, to provide all information and explanations about what happened in Romania with the cancellation of the elections, to guarantee that democracy exists in this country and to decide, in how much time they desire, who their candidate for the presidential elections is.

I know where to start and then I will give them an answer too. I am not a vain person, I am just proud when I talk about public matters. I do not step back, they will have to give the answer.

I am not a workforce available for candidacy, I did not ask anyone for the candidacy. There are enough amateurs on the market, thank God, so they can find someone, it's not my case!" emphasized Crin Antonescu.

Ilie Bolojan officially announced last month that Crin Antonescu will be the coalition's candidate for the presidential elections.

PSD, PNL, UDMR, and the group of national minorities have agreed to have a common candidate for the Presidency in the person of Crin Antonescu, and this decision is included in the coalition protocol signed on December 23 in Parliament.

Bolojan specified that this decision is to be voted on in the leadership bodies of each party, which has not happened yet.

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