How light affects the brain. How to improve your cognitive function

How light affects the brain. How to improve your cognitive function

A new study conducted in Belgium shows that bright light can have a significant impact on brain function.

Researchers have found that exposure to high levels of light can improve cognitive performance and vigilance, stimulating activity in a key region of the brain, the hypothalamus.

Although they are not yet convinced how everything works, scientists have noticed that bright light stimulates activity in the hypothalamus and enhances cognitive performance, as reported by Neuroscience News.

In the research conducted at the University of Liège 26 healthy young individuals were recruited to perform cognitive tasks while being exposed to different levels of light, ranging from complete darkness to extremely bright light. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), researchers analyzed how changing light levels affected activity in specific brain regions.

Scientists observed that activity in the posterior portion of the hypothalamus increased directly proportional to the light. This increase was associated with better cognitive functioning, especially in tasks requiring thinking and execution.

Interestingly, activity in other parts of the hypothalamus decreased inversely proportional to light exposure.

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