How climbing stairs helps your health

How climbing stairs helps your health

A recent study has shown that such a simple activity as climbing stairs significantly reduces the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases.

The research, conducted in the United Kingdom, is actually an analysis of many studies involving nearly half a million people, that has revealed that individuals who climb stairs decrease their risk of dying from cardiovascular diseases by 39%, as reported by Medical News Today.

Moreover, the same type of movement, often not even considered as exercise, also comes with an overall lower risk of being diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases, heart attack, heart failure, or stroke.

"If you have the choice between taking the stairs or the elevator, choose the stairs, as it will help your heart," stated dr. Sophie Paddock, the study's author.

"Even short bouts of physical activity have a beneficial impact on health, and short sessions of stair climbing should be an achievable goal to incorporate into daily routines," added the scientist after the research was presented at ESC Preventive Cardiology 2024, a scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

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