The plant that can replace air purifiers. How much does it cost and how was the super-plant obtained

The plant that can replace air purifiers. How much does it cost and how was the super-plant obtained

A newly established French company has launched Neo Px on the market, a plant created with the help of bioengineering, capable of purifying the air at an unprecedented rate.

Practically, a single plant represents the equivalent of 30 normal plants in terms of air purification, as reported by

Not only can it capture pollutants from the air, but it can also remove or neutralize some of the most harmful gaseous pollutants that can accumulate inside a home, such as benzene.

Considering that indoor environments can often be 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoors, it's no wonder why especially Americans are rushing to buy this miraculous plant.

A single plant can cost from 120 to 139 US dollars and comes with a packet containing a powder. Essentially, a bacterium that will colonize the soil, as well as the roots or leaves of the plant. The bacteria is the one that absorbs pollutants from the air in order to thrive. The plant simply represents the ecosystem of the bacterium, resulting in a symbiosis between the two organisms.

Neoplants, the company that markets Neo Px, established just five years ago, is already struggling to keep up with orders in the US, a country where residents already widely use air purifiers. However, its products can be purchased worldwide, online.

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