Iohannis ended his term as president with a brief ceremony. Bolojan took over the interim (Video)

Iohannis ended his term as president with a brief ceremony. Bolojan took over the interim (Video)

Klaus Iohannis concluded on Wednesday, at the Cotroceni Palace, his ten-year term as the head of state, following a resignation that represents an unprecedented decision in Romanian politics, for a head of state.

The interim will be ensured starting today by the President of the Senate, Ilie Bolojan, until the presidential elections in May.

The end-of-term ceremony started at 12:00, when Klaus Iohannis welcomed Ilie Bolojan at the Cotroceni Palace.

The two had a discussion of about 15 minutes, and at the end of the meeting, Iohannis wished Bolojan good luck. "Good luck! Take care of Romania! God help you!" Iohannis conveyed.

The head of state left the Cotroceni Palace around 12:25, after an official ceremony, during which the national anthem was played, and the honor guard was presented, for the last time as the President of Romania.

Iohannis did not deliver any speech. He only thanked the employees of the Presidential Administration and the journalists present at the ceremony. "God bless Romania," he said.

Spotmedia has broadcasted, in LIVE TEXT format, the ceremony at the Cotroceni Palace

Ceremonia de încheiere a mandatului Președintelui României, Klaus Iohannis

12:25 - Klaus Iohannis got into the car and left the Cotroceni Palace. Before departure, Iohannis, who seemed emotional, thanked the employees of the Presidential Administration and the journalists present at the ceremony. "God bless Romania," he said.

12:20 - Iohannis left the Cotroceni Palace and arrived at the Marinescu Plateau in the palace courtyard where the Romanian anthem was played, and the military guard paid tribute to him.

12:18 - The discussion between the two ended. "Good luck! Take care of Romania!" Iohannis conveyed to Bolojan.

12:00 - Ilie Bolojan arrived at the Cotroceni Palace and was welcomed by Klaus Iohannis. The two took an official photo and retired for a one-on-one discussion that will last approximately 15 minutes.

Președintele Klaus Iohannis îl primește la Palatul Cotroceni pe Președintele interimar Ilie Bolojan

Iohannis Resigned on Monday

Klaus Iohannis announced his resignation as president on Monday, after the Parliament leadership decided to put the impeachment request to a vote on Tuesday, and the chances of it passing were quite high.

The rescheduled presidential elections will take place on May 4 and 18, 2025.

Klaus Werner Iohannis became the President of Romania following the elections on November 2 and 16, 2014. He obtained his second term after the elections on November 10 and 24, 2019.

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