Romanian Police like in movies with fools. Dark comedy

Romanian Police like in movies with fools. Dark comedy

As if by miracle, just when the Police were dealing with the unimaginable scandal in Sibiu, for which the entire leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police should have been wiped out, the supposed outcome of the assassination in Arad, where a local businessman was killed in a car bomb explosion 3 and a half years ago, suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

It’s as if someone scrambled to cover up the mess in Sibiu with a glorious deed, glorified on screens by various lackeys of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Secretary of State, Despescu.

Setting aside this remarkable coincidence, what do we find in the Arad case?

Early in the morning, the Police bombarded the press with statements and information from sources about searches at the main suspect's headquarters, the one who allegedly ordered the assassination. What could they be looking for?


Speaking of planning, the most important things are the communication channels and what was communicated. So they could be looking for electronic devices - laptops, computers, phones, tablets, etc. But after 3 and a half years, what could they find, especially in the case of a professionally executed and planned crime, right?

In fact, we find out that it wasn't quite as professional. Meaning, the instigator would have been the daughter, who wanted to get her hands on her father's wealth and businesses, and the bomb maker would be a skilled electronics-savvy local barber.

Two equally lamentable options for the Police.

Either the great success is a completely improvised invention to cover the Sibiu case, or some amateurs have been tying the threads of the Police elite for 3 and a half years, about which we were told they were investigating the case attributed to a new "Carlos" who supposedly lost track in Serbia.


If only now they thought to look into the family, it means, per a contrario, that for 3 and a half years they had no idea where to start. Meaning, to check the relationship between father and daughter, we understand, very poorly known. If they had, it is assumed they wouldn't have waited so long for the searches. And most likely, they stumbled upon some lead from another case.

But let's not be so surprised. This is the police that guarded the door of an apartment building for 6 hours where a retiree stabbed two people with a knife, probably tired of waiting to be stopped.

But what needed to be covered up in Sibiu?

In an attempt to stop a drug-addled man who thought he was a vampire, the Police used civilian cars as barriers, which the agents stopped in the middle of the road, and where the pursued individual eventually stopped. It was only a miracle that there were no casualties.


The police claim they only slowed down traffic before the roundabout, which the involved individuals categorically deny: they were each stopped in their lane. And if we were to believe the police, why slow them down instead of pulling them over to the side?

Why wasn't a tire-deflation device used to stop the pursued individual? They tried, but the first time the driver managed to evade it, and the second time the agents didn't manage to place it on the road in time. So they resorted to using civilian cars. Can you visualize the absurdity?

It's not just about disciplinary infractions, there might be crimes as well, because the main purpose of the Police is to avoid collateral damage. You could potentially use police cars as a barrier, but never civilian vehicles.

If someone is found to be at fault, it will surely be the street agents, even though they are the least to blame. This is the result of the pitiful state in which Despescu and his lackeys have brought the Police.

First and foremost, there are no clear procedures. Every time something is written at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it turns out very poorly. Some are probably classified out of embarrassment. We've seen as an example how the text on drug driving turned out. Internal procedures are written unclearly, impractically, and agents need simple rules with very few lines.

They are the people who receive the least professional education. At most, they have a post-high school training in Câmpina, which used to last six months. The curriculum is detached from reality. Continuous training is not provided.

The bosses, chosen solely based on obedience to Bogdan Despescu, like the one at the Sibiu County Police Inspectorate, tell them "figure it out, find your way, make it look good." And each one finds their own way.

The leadership of the Sibiu County Police Inspectorate complains that there was not enough time for intervention. This is exactly the role of rhythmic training, to create reflexes for quick interventions.

Not that the bosses are more prepared. Remember how the Chief of the Capital Police himself led an army with drones, dogs, and masked officers from 3 counties to arrest some guys who wanted to surrender the night before and were refused to not ruin the televised show.

If the intervention was correct and those used as barriers are lying, why aren't the recordings from the officers' body cameras made public? When the Police were interested in showing them, there were no private evidence left in the file. From one absurdity to another. The Police is losing any trace of credibility, and everyone feels entitled to seek their own justice.

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