1.5 million Romanians have tried drugs at least once

1.5 million Romanians have tried drugs at least once

Drug expert and analyst Cătălin Ţone argues that the number of Romanians who have tried drugs at least once is approaching 1.5 million, an increase of about 50% compared to the most recent official report.

Ţone noted the legislative initiatives in the field of preventing and combating drug consumption, stating that Romania has „the richest legislative package in Europe,” and emphasized the importance of the state establishing addiction treatment centers.

"In Romania, things are moving; 2023 was the year of awareness and awakening. I am not one to praise easily, sometimes I am sharp-tongued, but Romania has the richest legislative package in Europe.

There are no less than six bills, supported by parliamentarians, many of which have already come into force, have been promulgated, which create extraordinary tools for those who enforce the law, both in combating and preventing.

Furthermore, there is a bill, which will certainly also be promulgated, I hope we find the funds, for the establishment of eight regional drug addiction treatment centers, which currently do not exist in the state, except in Câmpina, somewhere, a section at a psychiatric hospital, which recently opened.

These hospitals are needed because the Ministry of Internal Affairs stated, in 2023, in the latest report on the drug situation in Romania, that at least one million Romanians have consumed drugs at least once in their lifetime. Not all are dependent, but one million have consumed, and I tell you that the figures for 2024 are heading towards one and a half million (...), therefore, a significant percentage of Romanians have already tried drugs," said Cătălin Ţone, on Tuesday, in Bistriţa, during a conference held in front of students from 17 schools and high schools.

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