US Intelligence Report: Moscow remains a significant threat to Washington"

US Intelligence Report: Moscow remains a significant threat to Washington"

The U.S. intelligence service has released the annual synthesis report on the main state and non-state threats to the United States.

According to the declassified memorandum, Moscow remains a significant threat to Washington on multiple levels. „Russia has proven to be adaptable and resilient,” the report states.

The report, structured in several chapters, details in its 31 pages the "Annual Threat Assessment," writes L’Experess.

Russia, a major international adversary

On Tuesday, March 25, American intelligence services published the annual report on the main threats to the U.S.

The document provides a detailed analysis of Russia's strengths, as well as its international relations, highlighting increased adaptability and significant economic resilience.

Additionally, the report analyzes the possibility of an alternative to Putin and the prospects for resolving the Ukrainian conflict.

"Russia has proven to be adaptable and resilient," the report states.

The report specifies that regardless of the outcome of the war in Ukraine, Russia will continue to pose a geopolitical, economic, and military threat.

"Regardless of how and when the war in Ukraine ends, Russia's current geopolitical, economic, military, and domestic political trends demonstrate the resilience and the potential ongoing threat it poses to the power, presence, and global role of the U.S.," the report mentions.

Vladimir Putin: "Steely and prepared"

American intelligence information is based on all activities conducted by national security agencies (CIA, NSA, FBI, etc.).

The analysis emphasizes the central role of Vladimir Putin in Russian politics, noting that he "appears steely and prepared" to impose his vision on the world, even if it means "paying a very high price."

"Most Russians continue to passively accept the war, and the emergence of an alternative to Putin seems less likely today than at any time in the last 25 years," the report states.

Furthermore, American intelligence services indicate in the analysis that Russia will maintain an aggressive strategy on the international stage.

"Russia will continue to be capable of conducting anti-American diplomacy, coercive energy strategies, disinformation, espionage, influence operations, military intimidation, cyber attacks, etc.," the report warns.

Russia-China Relationship

Russia has managed to maintain a strong relationship with China, which has allowed it to mitigate the impact of economic sanctions.

"Russia's relationship with China has helped Moscow overcome sanctions," say American intelligence services.

This collaboration, part of a broader series of strategic partnerships, helps the Kremlin avoid international isolation.

"Russia will continue to be capable of conducting anti-American diplomacy, coercive energy strategies, disinformation, espionage, influence operations, military intimidation, cyber attacks, etc.," explained the intelligence services.

Ukrainian Conflict

The American report also mentions discussions between Moscow and Washington regarding possible solutions to the Ukrainian conflict.

 "Putin is likely aware that a prolonged conflict risks slowing down the Russian economy and leading to an unwanted escalation with the West; and Zelensky certainly understands that his position is weakening, that the future Western aid is uncertain, and that a ceasefire may eventually become a necessary solution," the report explains.

The document urges Americans not to be under any illusions about Russia's intentions, which are waging "a proxy war with the West" in Ukraine. "Both leaders probably still believe that the risks of a long war are lower than those of a bad deal," the report states, according to the cited source.

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