Romanian MEP Șoșoacă, anti-vaccine circus in the European Parliament until her microphone was cut off: God is not vaccinated, in Romania 88% are not vaccinated!

Romanian MEP Șoșoacă, anti-vaccine circus in the European Parliament until her microphone was cut off: God is not vaccinated, in Romania 88% are not vaccinated!

Diana Șoșoacă delivered a strong anti-vaccine speech in the European Parliament on Wednesday, during a debate on monkeypox. She accused the EU of wanting to trigger a new pandemic and did not stop until her microphone was cut off.

Romanian MEP Șoșoacă, now a presidential candidate, titled her intervention „Against the invention of a new pandemic and health dictatorship.”

In her speech, which lasted less than a minute and 20 seconds, the SOS leader accused the European Parliament of wanting to trigger a new pandemic, following the Covid one "which never existed," and stated that "God is not vaccinated."

"It seems that the Covid pandemic that never existed was not enough for you; now you are starting with another pandemic and going to Africa where you have no competence. I have been one of the most vehement voices against the violation of citizens' rights and freedoms both as a lawyer in civilian life and as a senator of Romania in the Romanian Parliament, where I even stopped the green passport, reminiscent of Nazism because it is a dictatorship," she said from the European Parliament podium.

Împotriva invenţiei unei noi plandemii şi a dictaturii sanitareSe pare că nu v-a ajuns plandemia de Covid care nu a existat niciodată, acum începeţi cu o altă pandemie şi vă duceţi în Africa unde nu aveţi nici o competenţă. Am fost una dintre cele mai aprige voci împotriva încălcării drepturilor şi libertăţilor cetăţeneşti atât ca avocat în viaţa civică, cât şi ca senator al României în Parlamentul României unde v-am oprit inclusiv paşaportul verde care aducea aminte de nazism pentru că este o dictatură. Aţi încercat să omorâţi cât mai mulţi bătrâni, Italia a fost un experiment în care aţi omorât câţi bătrâni aţi putut, în România 65000 de români au fost aruncaţi în saci negri de plastic şi strigă de acolo din groapă adevărul. Vor dreptate. Aţi încercat să ne opriţi să intrăm în biserici, ne-aţi oprit de Paşte să intrăm în toate bisericile, noi ne-am opus şi ne-am luptat cu jandarmii pentru a intra. Aţi încercat să distrugeţi creştinismul şi aţi încercat să-l umiliţi pe Djokovici care anul acesta v-a dat cea mai mare palmă şi a răzbunat întreaga mizerie care a fost făcută. Nu vă vom permite pentru că Dumnezeu nu e vaccinat, iar în România 88 la sută nu sunt vaccinaţi. Încetaţi cu această dictatură!

Publicată de Cabinet Europarlamentar - Diana Iovanovici-Șoșoacă pe Miercuri, 18 septembrie 2024

"You tried to kill as many elderly people as possible; Italy was an experiment where you killed as many elderly people as you could, in Romania 65,000 Romanians were thrown into black plastic bags and shout the truth from there. They want justice. You tried to stop us from entering churches, you stopped us from entering all churches for Easter, but we opposed and fought with the gendarmes to enter. You tried to destroy Christianity and humiliate Djokovic, who this year gave you the biggest slap and avenged all the misery that was done."

At the end of her speech, Diana Șoșoacă said that 88% of Romanians are not vaccinated.

"We will not allow it because God is not vaccinated, and in Romania, 88% are not vaccinated. Stop this dictatorship!" she said before her microphone was cut off.

According to the latest data from the National Institute of Public Health, as of March this year, 8,131,556 people have been vaccinated with the first dose and the booster dose (complete schedule) against Covid-19.

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