The expert who said that Ashley doesn't exist announces what awaits us this weekend: This time, a genuine cyclone

The expert who said that Ashley doesn't exist announces what awaits us this weekend: This time, a genuine cyclone

Lucian Sfîcă, a doctor in climatology who teaches at the Faculty of Geography and Geology at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iași, stated last week that cyclone Ashley did not actually exist. Now he is coming with the forecast for this weekend, announcing heavy rains once again in Romania.

„This time, the cause of the precipitation will be, truly, an authentic cyclone, formed in the classic cradle of Mediterranean cyclones represented by the Gulf of Genoa,” says the climatologist on the weather dedicated page Meteo Moldova.


The cyclone was named Finny by Germans and Cassandra by Italians.

The National Weather Administration issued on Friday 4 alerts for bad weather and tells us that 4 days of rain are coming.

So, here is what awaits us, without exaggerations and alarmist codes:

"After a short break of stable weather, the last days of the week bring a new episode of precipitation in Romania.

It always happens in the atmosphere, for one region or another, that once we enter a rainy period, we seem to remain stuck in it as if the rains bring more rains, just as once drought sets in, it seems to drive away the rains and thus intensify.


From this tendency of persistence of atmospheric patterns, even over long periods of months, Nicolae Topor reached in the '60s to a title of a book as simple as it is expressive: "Rainy Years and Drought Years in Romania".

This time, the cause of the precipitation will be, truly, an authentic cyclone, formed in the classic cradle of Mediterranean cyclones represented by the Gulf of Genoa.

We will recognize it on the synoptic maps by the low pressure values in its center, which will most likely drop below 1000 hPa until entering the Balkan Peninsula in the Dalmatian area, but also by the classic frontal system, with warm and cold fronts separating the warm Mediterranean air mass from the cold maritime polar one penetrating along the western Alpine chain into the western Mediterranean."


The cyclone will bring precipitation mainly to the western part of the country, but it is possible to generate secondary cores in our country as well.

După o scurtă pauză de vreme stabilă, ultimele zile ale săptămânii aduc un nou episod de precipitații în România. Se...

Publicată de Meteo Moldova pe Miercuri, 2 octombrie 2024

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