An Airbus A330 was damaged after incorrectly aligning on the runway

An Airbus A330 was damaged after incorrectly aligning on the runway

An Airbus A330 was damaged and destroyed several runway edge lights at Bucharest Airport due to incorrect alignment on the takeoff runway.

The incident took place on April 17. The aircraft, belonging to Turkish Airlines, was operating a flight from Bucharest to Istanbul, as reported by Boardingpass.

There were 258 passengers and 10 crew members on board the plane. No injuries were reported.

The pilots allegedly aligned the aircraft on the right runway edge lights of runway 26L, instead of the centerline lights.


"During the runway inspection, the movement surface management personnel observed the destruction of ten edge lights on the north side of runway 26L," the preliminary report issued by the Civil Aviation Safety Investigation and Analysis Authority (AIAS) states.

The report also mentions that "an information panel was destroyed and a portion of the runway shoulder was found to be peeled off along the area where the lights were broken."

After landing in Istanbul, the aircraft was stopped on one of the taxiways following the crew's report of a technical issue with the front landing gear, AIAS emphasizes.


The aircraft was grounded, likely for repairs, for eight days.

The investigation of the incident is ongoing. Upon its completion, the findings and probable cause of the event will be published by AIAS in the final report.

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