4 sources of energy that should not be missing from your diet

4 sources of energy that should not be missing from your diet

Sleep is the most efficient way to recharge our „battery,” but there are also some foods that experts say can give us more energy.

Approximately 20% of the United States population sleeps only five hours or less each night, according to a recent Gallup poll, and experts agree that sleep should be a top priority if we want to wake up the next day full of energy.

However, certain foods can boost energy levels, say nutritionists consulted by CNBC.

There are 4 types of foods that provide energy.

Complex Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates, including white bread, break down quickly into sugar and lead to instant spikes in blood sugar levels, explains nutritionist Nancy Rahnama. "And anything that rises quickly will fall. These fluctuations throughout the day lead to fatigue, irritability, mood swings, headaches, hunger, and cravings," she explained.

Unlike simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates "are digested more easily and provide a slower release of glucose into the bloodstream," according to the American Heart Association.

Consuming complex carbohydrates for breakfast can help us feel energized throughout the day, says nutritionist Maya Feller.

What we should consume to reap the benefits of complex carbohydrates:

  • wheat bread
  • sweet potatoes
  • oats
  • pumpkin seeds
  • apples
  • chickpeas

Fiber-Rich Foods

Anyone can increase fiber intake in their diet, but according to a recent study, most Americans do not consume enough.

A high intake of fiber-rich foods at midday has been shown to be an effective trick to gain more energy, as indicated by Dr. Nancy Rahnama.

Here are some fiber-rich foods that nutritionists recommend:

  • berries
  • quinoa
  • dried plums
  • greens, especially spinach

Healthy Heart Fats

Other foods that specialists say are a source of energy are those containing healthy fats for the cardiovascular system.

Omega-3 rich products support brain health, and fats from fish such as salmon and sardines help alleviate depression, according to nutritionist Patricia Bannan.

Depression can reduce energy levels and affect productivity. Additionally, according to the expert, "unsaturated fats can help control inflammation and reduce blood pressure, which is important for brain health."

Healthy heart fats can be found in:

  • avocado
  • tofu
  • olives
  • sardines
  • dark chocolate
  • salmon


Although it seems so simple to drink water, we often forget how important it is for boosting energy. Dehydration affects mood and makes you feel lethargic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US.

"Sufficient water intake throughout the day helps us maintain our energy levels by keeping our muscles energized," emphasizes nutritionist Lauren Manaker.

The amount of water we should drink each day remains a debated topic in the scientific world, as the necessary quantity depends on various factors, such as physical activity. But a glass of water when feeling tired can provide an extra boost of energy.


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