The Wolf from Poiana Brașov might end up shot

The Wolf from Poiana Brașov might end up shot

The wolf caught on camera chasing a cyclist on the road between Poiana Brașov and the city of Braşov could be shot.

It is actually a female wolf that was running scared on the road.

A meeting was held on Monday with representatives from the Veterinary Health Directorate, the Forest Guard, the National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry, and the Forest Administration.

These specialists concluded that the animal is most likely rabid, which would explain its strange behavior. The wolf was filmed running on the road and through the forest without fear of honking cars. Therefore, the authorities now intend to kill it.

Since wolves are a protected species, approval for the shooting rests in the hands of the Ministry of Environment.

However, there is another option for the animal, as Brașov Mayor Allen Coliban wrote.

He contacted the people managing the bear sanctuary near Zărnești, where there are also wolves.

"I contacted the Milioane de Prieteni Association (AMP), which operates the Bear Sanctuary in Zărnești. As on many occasions, they have shown willingness to take in the wolf, keep it in quarantine, and then take care of it for as long as necessary.

I personally spoke with Minister Mircea Fechet to ensure that the solution proposed by AMP has reached the decision-makers and to support it.

We await the ministry's decision and hope that the wolf will reach Zărnești safely. Safe for both people and the wolf," wrote Allen Coliban on Facebook.

The Association has outlined what they are willing to do for the famous wolf: "We commit to keeping it in quarantine for as long as necessary, conducting tests (rabies virus detection tests) to determine if it is sick and could endanger other animals, treating it if necessary, and caring for it until the end of its life.

Considering that the animal is part of a protected species by law, we hope that the decision you make will be in its favor and that you will agree to have it taken in and cared for by the AMP team and the collaborating AMP doctor who has extensive experience in caring for wild animals."

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