Students excluded from the exam due to Ro-Alert

Students excluded from the exam due to Ro-Alert

Several students who managed to bring their phones into the 2024 Romanian Baccalaureate exam, although it is prohibited, were caught red-handed by the Ro-Alert messages sent by the Argeș County Emergency Situations Inspectorate.

Five students from Pitești were expelled from the baccalaureate exam when the Ro-Alert system sounded the alarm, announcing the disappearance of a girl, and their phones rang, giving them away, as reported by the local press.

"Today's test had 4,154 registered students with 73 absentees.

5 students, caught with phones on them, were eliminated, according to the methodology, from the following exam centers:

  • Auto Technical High School Câmpulung (1 student, previous series),
  • Technical College "Costin D.Nenițescu" Pitești (1 student, previous series),
  • Theoretical High School "Iulia Zamfirescu" Mioveni (2 students, previous series),
  • Technological High School "Dacia" Pitești (1 student, current series)", as reported by the Argeș County School Inspectorate.

This comes after a student from Câmpulung was excluded from the exam yesterday, after the phone she brought into the exam room started ringing just as she was submitting her work.

The Ministry of Education has clearly stated that the introduction of objects (backpacks, bags, purses, etc.) as well as any electronic means of calculation, information storage, or communication (memory sticks, phones, tablets, etc.) into the exam rooms is strictly prohibited.

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