Vouchers of up to 20,000 euros for farmers to buy tractors

Vouchers of up to 20,000 euros for farmers to buy tractors

The Romanian government will finance, for the first time, a program that will help small farmers to buy tractors.

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced, on Thursday, during the Cabinet meeting, that the funds come from the Environmental Fund.

Thus, small farmers receive a non-reimbursable support of up to 20,000 euros, and the allocated budget is 500 million lei (100 million euros).

"For the first time, we are financing through the Environmental Fund the "Rabla (wreck) for Tractors" program. We support the domestic production of tractors and especially help small farmers with this program, through which they receive a non-reimbursable support of up to 20,000 euros. The allocated budget is 500 million lei, and the mechanism will be one with minimal bureaucracy," said the Prime Minister during the meeting.

UPDATE 1 After the meeting, the Minister of Agriculture announced that 5,000 farmers will be able to benefit from vouchers.

"New tractors for farmers! The "Rabla" Program begins! Together with the Ministry of Environment, we have launched the Program to stimulate the renewal of the National Park of tractors and agricultural machinery, which was approved in the government meeting," wrote Florin Barbu on Facebook.

UPDATE 2 The Minister of Environment, Mircea Fechet, specified that the tractor purchased with a voucher from the state must not exceed 55,000 euros.

"To the extent that they will scrap an old car, a vehicle, or a tractor, they will benefit from a non-reimbursable support of up to 20,000 euros for the purchase of a tractor whose value must not exceed 55,000 euros," said Fechet.

He emphasized that in Romania there are producers for this type of equipment and hopes that this pilot project will be funded every year. At the moment, the Financing Guide is being developed, and the state aid scheme is also being finalized, to ensure that the guide is ready for beneficiaries within a maximum of 30 days.

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