The builder of the most expensive section of the Transylvania Highway has been designated: The stretch will feature the longest tunnel on a highway in Romania

The builder of the most expensive section of the Transylvania Highway has been designated: The stretch will feature the longest tunnel on a highway in Romania

The most expensive road infrastructure contract in Romania has been awarded to the Turkish consortium Makyol Insaat Sanayi Turizm VE Ticaret AS – Ozaltin Insaat Ticaret VE Sanayi AS. This concerns the section Poarta Sălajului – Zalău – Nuşfalău of the Transylvania Highway A3, which also includes the construction of the Meseş Tunnel, the longest tunnel on a highway in Romania. The contract is valued at 6.62 billion lei (excluding VAT).

„Today, the most expensive road infrastructure contract in Romania was awarded! With a value of 6.62 billion lei (excluding VAT), this contract also includes the construction of the Meseş tunnel (2.89 km), which will be the longest tunnel on a highway in Romania,” announced the Minister of Transport, Sorin Grindeanu.

Astăzi a fost atribuit cel mai scump contract de infrastructură rutieră din România!Cu o valoare de 6,62 miliarde de…

Publicată de Sorin Grindeanu pe Vineri, 1 noiembrie 2024

„The largest road infrastructure contract in the history of the National Company for Road Infrastructure Management CNAIR – the section Poarta Sălajului – Zalău – Nuşfalău of the Transylvania Highway A3, which includes the construction of the Meseş Tunnel, has a designated constructor, being the Consortium MAKYOL INSAAT SANAYI TURIZM VE TICARET A.S. – OZALTIN INSAAT TICARET VE SANAYI A.S. (Turkey),” said Secretary of State Irinel Scrioşteanu.

The Turkish consortium that won the contract has 78 months at their disposal (18 months for design, 60 months for execution) for the construction of the 41 km sections Poarta Sălajului-Zalău and Zalău-Nuşfalău (Transylvania Highway).

The procedure for signing the contract, financed through the Transport Program, can start within ten days if no appeals are lodged.

"I hope there will be no further appeals, and after the legal deadline for their submission (10 days), the contract signing procedure can commence," said Scrioşteanu.

The contract involves designing and executing 41 km of highway, 65 viaducts, bridges, and passages, as well as the longest road tunnel in the country - the Meseş Tunnel (2.89 km in length), which will be designed for a speed of 120 km/h and will ensure the crossing of the Meseş Mountains, near the city of Zalău. The tunnel will be located in the southwest area of Zalău Municipality in Sălaj County (Zalău and Românaşi).

The estimated value of the contract is 6.62 billion lei, excluding VAT, and the funding source is provided by non-repayable European funds through the Transport Program 2021-2027.

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