Marcel Ciolacu announces that the property tax will remain the same in 2025

Marcel Ciolacu announces that the property tax will remain the same in 2025

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced on Wednesday, during the Government meeting, that next year, Romanians will pay the same property taxes, the decision being to postpone the application of the new calculation method until January 1, 2026.

The Prime Minister also stated that there will be a gradual increase calendar for beer excise taxes, for better predictability.

"We have postponed until January 1, 2026 the implementation of the new taxable value calculation method for buildings, based on market studies. Until then, the Ministry of Finance must build a specialized structure, and the Cadastre Agency is obliged to provide data to this structure," specified the head of the Executive.


He mentioned that they have taken into account the requests of the business environment regarding the obligation for companies to use electronic product vending machines and cash registers linked to the Tax Authority's servers.

"It's about a new technology that prints QR code information on the receipt. It is evident that many economic agents in the SME sector are not yet prepared, so we have extended the deadline until September 1, 2025.

Other good news comes regarding the beer excise tax. Until now, the level of beer excise taxes was updated on January 1 with the inflation of the last 12 months, calculated in September of the previous year. We propose a different calculation model, actually one requested by the industry: a gradual increase calendar for beer excise taxes for better predictability," Ciolacu further announced.


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