The decisions regarding the recalculation of pensions will be distributed by the Romanian Post

The decisions regarding the recalculation of pensions will be distributed by the Romanian Post

Pensioners will find out what their new pension will be after the government’s recalculation, once the postman brings them the news in an envelope. The government approved on Friday an emergency ordinance authorizing the Romanian Post to deliver to pensioners the envelopes containing decisions regarding the recalculation of pensions in the public system. The government promises that the decisions will be received during the summer, and the recalculated pensions will start being paid from September.

"Thanks to the emergency ordinance approved today, the decisions to recalculate pensions according to the new principles: contributiveness, work stability, solidarity, and sustainability will reach the beneficiaries within the agreed timeframe," said the Minister of Labor and Social Solidarity, Simona Bucura-Oprescu, in a press release.

The Romanian Post has the widest national coverage and currently ensures the delivery of pension slips and cash payments to pensioners.

The Minister of Labor announced in April that pension recalculation decisions will be sent in the summer.

"At the end of May, we will already start this process, and the envelopes with the recalculation decisions will reach Romanians during the summer, and in September they will receive their recalculated pensions, pension slips recalculated with their revised amounts," said Simona Bucura-Oprescu on RTV.

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