As PSD decided not to support her in the race for the position of general mayor of the Capital, Gabriela Firea announced that she will work to help Dr. Cătălin Cîrstoiu win the seat of chief magistrate.
In her speech at the event where PSD and PNL announced their support for Cîrstoiu in the local elections of June 2024, Firea stated, among other things:
“Our common interest – I believe, I hope, this was also mine – was not to occupy a position, a chair. A seat. We have been and we will be in such public positions again.
Our common interest was that we would no longer be ashamed to live that in Bucharest.
Because it's a mess, because people live in cold in their apartaments, because people can't go to parks with their own children - except in those managed by the sector mayoralties - because the others, many of them, of the City Hall are unsanitary”.
It is true that, in most cases, the sector mayoralties manage parks much better than the General City Hall.
What Gabriela Firea seems to have forgotten is the disastrous state in which some of the PMB parks were when she was in charge of the institution.
Below, you will find some photos I took in 2019, in Tineretului Park.
It was the penultimate year of Gabriela Firea's term at the City Hall.
The grass was about the size of a person. And the curbs removed from the edges of the alleys lay on the green space.