Wednesday marks the first discussion between PSD-PNL-USR-UDMR for a future governance: It is the first step, an exploration

Wednesday marks the first discussion between PSD-PNL-USR-UDMR for a future governance: It is the first step, an exploration

The first discussion between PSD-PNL-USR-UDMR for a future government will take place on Wednesday, stated the UDMR spokesperson, Cosma Botond, pointing out that it is the first step, an exploration.

The deputy also mentioned that we are facing a quite serious situation, with 35 – 37% extremists in Parliament, and a coalition with four parties is not easy, but they must set aside their egos and find a common ground.

"Tomorrow, the first discussion will take place, we can't say we have a plan, let's see what will happen. It is the first discussion among the four political formations, it is the first step," specified the UDMR deputy on the Romania Politica show on Prima News.

Csoma Botond stated that UDMR excludes any governance with AUR, S.O.S Romania, and POT. "We cannot enter into governance with chauvinistic extremists," Csoma Botond added.

"We don't have much choice, we are facing a quite serious situation, with 35 - 37% chauvinistic extremists in Parliament, you can't have many options. Of course, a coalition with four parties will not be an easy coalition, each will come with their ideas, their plans, but what can we do in such a case?

All parties need to set aside their egos and find a common ground, because if we don't set aside our egos, in four years, extremists will be at 80%," commented the UDMR deputy.

Regarding the second round of the presidential elections, Cosma Botond mentioned that usually the Hungarian community mobilizes to vote, but he doesn't know what will happen on Sunday. He pointed out that it was a big surprise to see Călin Georgescu in the first position.

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