The United Right Alliance will have common candidates in the local elections: We will defeat the malevolent PNL-PSD alliance

The United Right Alliance will have common candidates in the local elections: We will defeat the malevolent PNL-PSD alliance

The leaders of the parties in the United Right Alliance, USR, PMP, and Forța Dreptei, announced on Wednesday that they will have common lists for local elections, not just for the European Parliament elections.

„The negotiations within the United Right Alliance have been finalized and Romanians will find us on the ballot papers for local elections, in addition to those for the European Parliament. We have common candidates, of course, incumbent mayors, but also very good candidates for mayoralties or local councils who will defeat the malevolent alliance of PNL-PSD,” announced USR leader Cătălin Drulă at a press conference.

Drulă also stated that despite PSD contesting the United Right Alliance and all the obstacles from AEP, the three parties will run together in both local and European Parliament elections.

On his part, PMP leader Eugen Tomac said that the negotiations were complex.

"We will have a battle for 40,000 local councilors, 41 county council president positions, 1,338 county councilors, and over 3,180 mayors. This political exercise we've been through in recent weeks has not been easy. Personally, I have a clear conscience that I have made the best decisions," said Tomac.

Ludovic Orban, the leader of Forța Dreptei, urged the Constitutional Court to act swiftly and judge the unconstitutionality exceptions raised at the High Court of Cassation and Justice, which two panels have considered well-founded on the election merger ordinance.

"We are sounding a very serious alarm because we risk all elections being held based on a legislative act that we know for sure is unconstitutional, but the Constitutional Court has the obligation to express its opinion as soon as possible, before the start of the electoral campaign, especially for local elections," said the Forța Dreptei leader.

Ludovic Orban specified that they have decided to participate in these elections organized based on an unconstitutional ordinance because they cannot allow "bosses, old guard, satraps, red and yellow barons to mock each county and local community, the rights and freedoms of citizens."

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