The coalition wants to dismiss Toni Greblă from the leadership of the AEP

The coalition wants to dismiss Toni Greblă from the leadership of the AEP

The governing coalition decided in Tuesday’s meeting to support the dismissal of the president of the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP), Toni Greblă.

Following the political decision, in Parliament, in the Joint Bureaus, the procedure for his removal from office will be initiated, political sources told

PSD President, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, recently stated that what bothered him most about the annulment of the previous elections was the recount of votes, specifying that Toni Greblă should no longer remain at the helm of the Permanent Electoral Authority, but the decision lies with Parliament.

Asked if he believes Toni Greblă should continue to lead the Permanent Electoral Authority, Ciolacu said: "No, for several reasons, but it is not for me to decide. Parliament decides, but for other reasons related to functioning, coordination between the Government and AEP."

USR demanded on Monday that the head of the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) come to Parliament to present the report on the organization and conduct of the last presidential elections, as required by current law, stating that 3 months have passed since the elections on November 24, 2024, and we still do not know the exact reasons for the annulment of the elections and, especially, the measures taken to ensure that the elections in May are fair and secure.

"If we want to regain the trust of Romanians in the functioning of state institutions and, implicitly, in Romanian democracy, if we want people to be convinced that their vote is respected and justice is served, the law must be respected by all. Including by Toni Greblă and the AEP, the main institution responsible for organizing and conducting elections.

So far, Marcel Ciolacu and PSD have shielded Toni Greblă and turned a blind eye to all the missteps of this gentleman who barbecued with extremists, while his wife openly campaigned for Călin Georgescu.

This must stop, and the leadership of the AEP must come to Parliament to explain to all Romanians what happened in the election three months ago, what problems arose, and how we can solve them. And then, Marcel Ciolacu should send Toni Greblă home; he is not fit to organize elections in Romania," said USR Senator Ciprian Rus.

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