Macron supports Lasconi: If I can do anything to help in this context, I will do it (Video)

Macron supports Lasconi: If I can do anything to help in this context, I will do it (Video)

Elena Lasconi had a phone conversation with the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, emphasizing the stakes of Sunday’s election – the future of Romania.

„You are a very important member of Europe and over the past seven years, we have consistently assessed and felt the importance of Romania, and I want to thank you for this very clear trajectory, which is in the interest of Romania, Romanians, and the whole of Europe. (…)

From the first day of the Russian aggression in Ukraine, in February 2022, we decided to send troops to Romania, and we were the first to send troops to your country to protect this front.

And I want to assure you again of my commitment, and I will express it very clearly: the experience from Georgia speaks volumes in this context. And this is not a blank check that we have offered to Romania. We have provided our support to a country clearly committed to the European Union and NATO.

And it is important to say that if someone comes to power and is ambiguous towards Russia or exclusively pro-Russian, it will radically change the security policy of your country," Macron stated in the discussion with Lasconi, according to the clip posted on Friday on the USR's Facebook page.

Elena Lasconi, președinta USR: „Parcursul României este important pentru întreaga Europă.Îi mulțumesc domnului președinte Emmanuel Macron pentru convorbirea deschisă pe care am avut-o, pentru încurajări și susținerea oferită, dar și pentru aprecierea pe care o are pentru noi, românii. Un dialog care mi-a întărit credința că izolarea și absența partenerilor României ar aduce din nou întuneric în țara noastră. Este responsabilitatea fiecăruia dintre noi ca duminica aceasta să alegem corect drumul țării noastre. Acum, dar și în următorii ani. De acum înainte!”#elenalasconiCMF: 31240009

Publicată de USR Diaspora pe Vineri, 6 decembrie 2024

He mentioned that Lasconi is the only one "with a clear stance on Europe and NATO."

"If I can do anything to help in this context, I will do it. You are the only one with a clear stance on Europe and NATO, and de facto, you are the only one who can protect your country because all the solidarity you receive from everyone is due to this," the French President stated.

Elena Lasconi emphasized that she is fighting "for democracy" and will use "all her powers and knowledge to keep democracy alive" in our country and to keep Romania "on the trajectory" of the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance.

"I want to thank you for all the French military support," Lasconi said.

She added that she will do everything she can to protect French investments in Romania. In this regard, she highlighted that Dacia Renault represents a "success story."

"Thank you for mentioning Dacia Renault. Because we trust in this partnership. It is a long-term, very substantial one. And I believe it is very important for us to work together on this matter," President Macron emphasized.

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