Joe Biden - Donald Trump, the first confrontation. Who won?

In the first of the five debates, Joe Biden appeared more tired and older than Donald Trump, but he openly discussed the danger posed by Putin to the stability of the entire world, while Donald Trump only referred to the money spent by the USA to help Ukraine, claiming that he will stop the war if he returns to the White House, without detailing how he will do so.
Joe Biden - Donald Trump, the first confrontation. Who won?

We witnessed a historic premiere – the first debate between a sitting president and a former officeholder. The situation shows an unprecedented resistance from Trump, as well as from those who support him.

Joe Biden, during the debate, had a subdued, slightly hoarse voice, through which he failed to assert himself against Donald Trump.

He had a weak start, marked by stutters and hesitations, but he recovered along the way.

On the other hand, Trump avoided difficult questions by constantly attacking Biden's age and speech opinions.

CNN announced before the debate that the moderators would not fact-check the candidates' statements in real-time.

This led to many false and exaggerated statements from both candidates, which were not corrected, but also to many accusations of lying from them. 

I took two cognitive tests, I aced them. I just won two golf championships, I'm not even a professional. To do that, you have to be pretty smart and hit the ball really hard

Donald Trump

For example, the former American president suggested that Biden encouraged Putin's military attacks. No one intervened, and Biden replied that what Trump said was "nonsense."

Biden fails to gain public trust

During the debate, 81-year-old Biden appeared tired. He failed to convince his critics who argue that he is too old for a second term in the White House.

Donald Trump, 78, presented himself in better form, with high energy levels and quick reactions during the confrontation.

Although Biden had solid information, highlighting his administration's positive aspects regarding the strength of the US economy, inflation reduction, and job creation, he failed to convey to voters a sense of confidence in the future.

Putin is a war criminal. Putin will not stop at Ukraine

Joe Biden

An important part of the debate focused on immigration, giving Donald Trump the opportunity to claim that Biden opened the borders, and those who enter the US illegally "are treated better than war veterans," an untrue statement.

dezbaterea Trump - Biden
CONFRONTATION. Donald Trump appeared more confident, assured in speech, while Biden stumbled and had moments where he searched for words - Source: CNN

Joe Biden claimed that during his tenure, he imposed the toughest anti-immigration law, shortened the processing time for those entering the country, and created a fast procedure for repatriation.

When talking about a convicted criminal, he must also say that his son is a convicted criminal for serious crimes

Donald Trump

Additionally, Biden accused Trump that during his tenure, he created chaos at the borders, and the radical measures taken led to a humanitarian crisis where "mothers were separated from their children, being kept in cages."

Trump, no accusations against Putin

Regarding foreign policy, it is noteworthy that once again Donald Trump did not criticize Vladimir Putin's military aggression, being evasive about how he plans to end the war in Ukraine.

On this topic, Biden was clear, supporting Ukraine's cause. "Alongside the US, 50 states from around the world have understood the danger posed by Putin to world peace," said the current president.

Donald Trump has a chance to become the US president again, just as he has a chance to end up behind bars.

On July 11, the judge at the New York State Supreme Court will determine a sentence for Trump, found guilty in the embezzlement trial to buy the silence of an adult film star he had a relationship with.

We changed immigration law in such a way that now, there are 40% fewer people entering the country illegally. It's better than when Trump left office

Joe Biden

The US presidential campaign is in a confusing state, but the strong support among conservative voters for the Republican leader remains consistent.

Stage set for Biden and Trump's first 2024 debate
US ELECTIONS. The first presidential debate in the US took place in Atlanta, Georgia, hosted by CNN - Photo:

Furthermore, Donald Trump could return to the White House. Over 90% of registered voters as Republicans announce they will vote for him, according to a poll conducted by the New York Times/Siena College a few days ago.

The fact that a jury found him guilty in a criminal trial had no impact on the Republican Party supporters. Moreover, based on interview data, it was found that the jurors' decision strengthened Trump's voter base.

In the survey conducted by the American newspaper, there is a tendency for independents and undecided voters to be affected by the trial's outcome, with some saying that the verdict has reduced their confidence in Donald Trump.

With the race between the two candidates extremely tight, undecided voters may tilt the balance in favor of one of them.

"Only 72% of voters who said they voted for Joe Biden four years ago agree with the work he is doing as president," is one of the conclusions of the survey published by the New York Times.

Trump doesn't hide his desire for revenge

The current president, despite significant economic achievements, lacks trust, being considered too old and vulnerable in performing his duties.

Joe Biden could become a convicted criminal for all the things he has done

Donald Trump

Aside from today's debate, there will be four more Trump-Biden confrontations. Two in September, on the 10th and 16th, and two more in October, on the 1st and 9th.

POLITICAL SHOW. The presidential confrontation was broadcast by all major American TV networks, being the most watched political show of the year. Four more confrontations are to follow - Source: CBS

The presidential elections will take place on Tuesday, November 5.

It is the first time in US history that a debate between the two main candidates takes place in June, four months before the election date.

According to his own statements, once back in the White House, Donald Trump has a plan to quickly resolve his legal issues but also to launch a revenge campaign against his opponents.

How many billions of dollars do you owe in civil penalties for molesting a woman in public, for doing a whole series of things, for having sex with a porn star while your wife was pregnant? What are you talking about? You have the morality of a stray cat

Joe Biden

Regarding the conflict in Ukraine, the former president promised to resolve it quickly, asking Putin and Zelensky to sit down at the negotiation table.

Several US military experts say that Trump will pressure the Ukrainian leader to agree to cede the territories occupied by Russia, opening the way for a ceasefire.

In reality, the situation will be much more complicated. Pressures on Ukraine could generate a political crisis in Kiev and pave the way for Moscow's envoys to take control, with serious consequences for European continental security.

There is a great danger that a change in US political leadership could lead to a global crisis where the only winner would be the Russian dictator.

The first debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump ended in favor of the latter, with the current president failing to dispel the biggest concern of American voters, that he is too old for a second term.

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