The IMM Plus program returns, offering credits for investments or working capital - project

The IMM Plus program returns, offering credits for investments or working capital - project

The Ministry of Finance has launched the decision-making transparency project for the launch of the IMM Plus Program, through which credits will be granted to SMEs for investments or for the continuation of their activities. The allocated budget is 12.5 billion lei.

„The project ensures, until June 30, 2024, access to financing for companies that do not have the necessary funds for investment projects and for the continuation of their activities. The proposed budget is up to 12.5 billion lei, and guarantees can be granted up to a ceiling of 11.1 billion lei, for 11,500 beneficiaries. The regulatory act is published for consultation HERE,” announced the Ministry of Finance on Friday evening.

Minister Marcel Boloş appreciated that it is one of the most successful programs implemented by Romania so far, which offers SMEs the freedom to make decisions that ensure positive dynamics in terms of increasing the number of employees, turnover, net profit, and profit margin reported to sales.

"The data have shown us that companies that have so far benefited from financing with the help of guarantees provided by the Ministry of Finance have reported an average revenue growth of 9%. Specifically, 9 out of 10 companies benefiting from state guarantees have reported revenue growth. That is why we have allocated 12.5 billion lei for IMM Plus, to continue supporting and encouraging the development of SMEs and the business environment as a whole," explained Minister Marcel Boloş.

𝐈𝐌𝐌 𝐏𝐋𝐔𝐒 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐢𝐜𝐢.Vă spuneam zilele trecute că pregătim o schemă de ajutor de stat prin care să oferim 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭̦𝐢𝐢...

Publicată de Marcel Boloș pe Vineri, 23 februarie 2024

According to the project, the IMM Plus Program extends the support measures established through the previous state aid scheme, IMM INVEST PLUS, and is implemented through the National Credit Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises (FNGCIMM), the Romanian Counter-Guarantee Fund (FRC), and the Rural Credit Guarantee Fund (FGCR).

The maximum values ​​of state aid have been increased from 2,000,000 euros to 2,250,000 euros per enterprise/local administrative unit (UAT), respectively from 250,000 euros to 280,000 euros for each enterprise operating in the primary agriculture sector and from 300,000 euros to 335,000 euros for each enterprise operating in the fishing and aquaculture sectors.

Components of the IMM PLUS Program:

The IMM ROMANIA PLUS component facilitates access to financing for small and medium-sized enterprises and small enterprises with medium market capitalization, including professionals, by accessing one or more loans for investment or loans/credit lines for working capital, including refinancing other investment loans or expenses related to the acquisition of shares and stocks.

The AGRO PLUS component is dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises and small enterprises with medium market capitalization, including professionals in the agriculture, fishing, aquaculture, and food sectors.

The IMM PROD PLUS component aims to provide government guarantees requested to ensure liquidity and financing for investments by SMEs, including startups, operating in productive sectors.

The CONSTRUCT PLUS component aims to provide government guarantees to improve energy efficiency, support investments in green energy, and align with environmental objectives implemented by:

SMEs and small enterprises with medium market capitalization in the construction sector, including startups, as well as architects and individual architecture firms;

Local Administrative Units (municipalities, towns, villages).

The RURAL PLUS component aims to provide transparent and non-discriminatory state guarantee facilities for investment loans and loans/credit lines for working capital granted to farmers, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as large enterprises in the agriculture, fishing, aquaculture, and food sectors.

The INNOVATION PLUS component aims to provide government guarantees for innovative Romanian companies and/or those promoting products and services for export.

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