The consultations with political parties initiated by interim president Ilie Bolojan represent more than a very necessary construction site for building a national standpoint on essential issues, such as the war and peace in Ukraine, European defense policy, and the increase in defense budgets, all on the agenda of the upcoming European Council.
In the message explaining the consultations, President Bolojan has already indicated an inevitable direction: increasing defense spending because "European countries will have to assume a more important role and bear a larger share of the costs of ensuring peace in Europe." How much, in the case of Romania, and under what conditions, remains to be seen even after these discussions.
As for sending Romanian troops to Ukraine, there is a risk that it could be politically exploited because it fits the narrative: Georgescu brings us peace, Soros supporters drag us into war.
For now, it is not a real issue because these peacekeeping troops presuppose that there is peace, which is still far away.
After that, when it will be, how it will be, remains to be seen after at least a ceasefire has been achieved. But for now, there is no one and nowhere to send, but it is important for the issue not to become a campaign topic.
And just when extremists play with a no-confidence motion in Parliament, Ilie Bolojan pointed out that a country in political crisis will have nothing to say:
"The weight of Romania's word in external affairs depends on both internal political stability, good governance, and accessing European funds, as well as the free and fair conduct of the scheduled elections in May. Regardless of internal political disputes, I am convinced that we will find common viewpoints in supporting our country's national interests."
But beyond these concrete, punctual, and extremely important aspects, essential in President Bolojan's approach is that he, from the uncomfortable position of interim, sets a new standard for exercising the presidential function.
"It's the first time in many years that the president, even if interim, invites us to dialogue, to consultations on important subjects (...). And since we haven't been asked about foreign policy for years, it's as if it's about the Holy Grail, which only those authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can touch, we have the opportunity to express how we see things," summarized this invitation to Cotroceni by UDMR leader Kelemen Hunor.
It is indeed a first when in a matter that, although concerns the exclusive duties of the President of Romania, has major and long-term implications, the officeholder wants to obtain, if not a formal mandate, at least a consolidated viewpoint of political parties on which to base his decision.
It is more than the exercise of the presidential mediation function, it is a "signal from the hill" that parliamentary political parties are essential in the democratic system, that, for better or for worse, each one represents at least 5% of the electorate, so as representatives of these people, they must at least be heard.
What Ilie Bolojan conveys through organizing these consultations is that the president is not above the political system, his independence does not mean that he is on his own against the parties, which has become a mirage of this campaign, but he is part of the political system, and all its decisions must be, especially on essential issues, the result of a concert.
Rebuilding the essential political mechanisms of democracy represents a crucial short-term objective, otherwise we will remain in the mirage of all kinds of messianic saviors, holders of the Holy Grail, which can mean anything but democracy.
And this initiative can only start from a position with great visibility and from one of the few remaining credible political actors.
A decision based on consultations also has pragmatic advantages. No one knows everything, no one can claim a monopoly on concrete solutions. The more voices are heard, the greater the chance of a good solution. And important solutions must have broad support to be accepted and implemented.
Ilie Bolojan's gesture refers to two important moments in Romania's recent history: the Snagov Pact initiated by Ion Iliescu, one of the few bright moments of his term, and Traian Băsescu's Education Pact, which led to the national education law conceived by Mircea Miclea and would have changed the face of Romanian education if it hadn't been mostly annihilated, especially by the PSD.
And I would also note that, after so many years of presidential isolation in the ivory tower, the interim president of Romania systematically practices accountability. After the first days of his mandate, after the summit in Paris, with the explanation for inviting parties to Cotroceni, Ilie Bolojan communicated, explained.
If in the weeks remaining until the presidential elections, Ilie Bolojan manages to substantially change the perception of the presidential institution and reset expectations regarding it, it will again be possible to hope to avoid a historic disaster.