Elena Lasconi announces a motion of no confidence against the Ciolacu Government. Message to Ciucă: Sign! Otherwise, you will remain hypocrites

Elena Lasconi announces a motion of no confidence against the Ciolacu Government. Message to Ciucă: Sign! Otherwise, you will remain hypocrites

The president of USR, Elena Lasconi, announces on Tuesday a motion of no confidence against the Ciolacu government and asks the Liberals to sign alongside USR.

”I have met thousands of soldiers, I have been in the theater of operations in Afghanistan, and I am proud of our military. They are skilled and brave. Mr. Ciucă is a politician and wants to become the first soldier at the helm of the country. Let’s see how much courage you have, Mr. Ciucă!

I am on my way to Parliament to work together with my colleagues on the motion of no confidence to bring down the Government, led by Ciolacu,” announced the president of USR, Elena Lasconi, on Tuesday.


She asks the leader of PNL, Nicolae Ciucă, to turn the words "courage, honesty, and respect" into actions.

”Sign the USR motion of no confidence! Otherwise, you remain hypocrites, liars, with the behavior of mistresses who know they are being cheated, who even get slapped on the back of the head, but who remain in the relationship, meaning in governance, for money and privileges. Come on, sign! See you at Parliament!”, the USR leader further conveyed.

Elena Lasconi specified that the Liberals have a few hours to show the Romanians whose side they are on, the side of the people or Ciolacu's side.

Lasconi also said that she is waiting for Nicolae Ciucă to come with 110 signatures for the motion.


”The recent decision of the Constitutional Court shows us that the DNA of the PSD members remains unchanged, whether at the helm were Iliescu, Năstase, Geoană, Dragnea, or Ciolacu. That is precisely why USR is currently working on the text of the motion of no confidence to bring down this incompetent and corrupt government. We call on all parliamentary democratic forces, right-wing forces to join our initiative, to offer Romanians a predictable, democratic government that wants to do good for the country.

A special message for our former partners from PNL. You have a few hours to show the Romanians whose side you are on. The side of the people or Marcel Ciolacu's side. A few hours. I know it's hard to walk away from the money bags from the government, I know it's hard especially since all the mayors in the country are waiting for something to be able to support you in this election campaign. But let's not forget that PNL has done a lot of good things in Romania's history, 100 years ago. You cannot continue to walk hand in hand with the PSD and say that you are the descendants of the Brătianu family,” said Lasconi.


Asked if USR will accept signatures from AUR for the motion of no confidence, Elena Lasconi said: ”They are free to vote. We are waiting for Mr. Ciucă to come with 110 signatures.”

”They have declared that they want to leave the government, but still not to leave. Goodbye, but I'll stay with you,” Lasconi further stated about the Liberals.

PNL President Nicolae Ciucă announced on Monday evening that he is breaking the coalition with PSD, stating that the representatives of the party remain in the Government "only to prevent the complete escalation of abuses."

“Our government coalition with the PSD stops here. We remain in the Executive only to prevent the complete escalation of abuses they can carry out to win the elections. Of course, the PSD would like to govern alone in the coming period: to reintroduce the progressive tax rate, to subordinate the justice system and state institutions, to direct the financial resources of the budget into populist actions and towards the party's clientele.

That will not happen. It would be completely irresponsible on our part to leave the battlefield and let them advance in the direction they have taken,” said Nicolae Ciucă.

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