Desired by Rapid, Florin Niță received a concrete offer: He gave his answer

Desired by Rapid, Florin Niță received a concrete offer: He gave his answer

Florin Niță (37 years old), the goalkeeper of the Romanian national team, is in high demand during EURO 2024.

Listed for transfer by Rapid, where he is wanted by Dan Șucu, Niță has received a concrete offer from another team.

According to, Gaziantep FK still wants Florin Niță and has offered the Romanian goalkeeper a new contract, valid for one year, with a 50% increase in salary compared to what he was earning in his previous agreement with the Turkish team.

However, it seems that Florin Niță was not impressed. The source mentioned reports that the goalkeeper rejected the offer, but negotiations between the parties are ongoing. Niță wants a longer contract, for two seasons.


In addition to Rapid's interest and that of Gaziantep FK, Florin Niță is also on the transfer list of two clubs in Saudi Arabia.

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