Two girls were taken from the family by the state: The older one is already on her 5th suicide attempt

Two girls were taken from the family by the state: The older one is already on her 5th suicide attempt

A Romanian family in Sweden complains that the state has taken their two minor daughters, Sara and Diana. The eldest, Sara, has already attempted suicide 5 times since being separated from her parents and placed in various foster families.

The case was presented on Monday, with a lot of lamentations and accusations, by Romanian Senator Titus Corlăţean, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

He is calling on the Swedish government for a "very rapid reaction" to address the "absolutely justified requests to stop the absolutely illegal and abusive detention" of the two girls.

"We appeal to rationality and a very rapid response from the Swedish government to address the absolutely justified requests to stop the situation of these girls. It is absolutely unacceptable what is happening when a 12-year-old girl ends up using poison, wants to hang herself, uses a board to cut her wrist veins, or ends up taking a knife. It is an unacceptable issue that we did not think could happen in a democratic state like Sweden. We are awaiting a very rapid response from the Swedish state," Corlăţean stated.

Corlăţean also urges the Swedish government to ensure compliance with Sweden's international commitments and very good relations with the Romanian state, and to immediately repatriate the two girls, "who are being held illegally."

"Our citizens, held illegally, must be repatriated. We have a very good collaboration with Romanian government institutions. We ask the Romanian government to remain very committed and together to take all necessary steps. We are ready for a mission to Stockholm, a political mission, together with the governmental partners we have been in touch with from the Romanian Government," Corlăţean added.


The Story of the Samson Family

Furthermore, the senator recounted the case of the Samson family, events that began in December 2022.

"The Samson family, Daniel and Bianca, with their two daughters, Sara and Diana, at the end of December 2022, entered a situation that has marked and continues to mark this family in a horrifying manner.

On December 2, the social worker from a commune in the Skone region of Sweden intervened and took the two girls, Sara and Diana, from school. Sara, at nearly 11 years old, Diana, 10 years old.

From that moment on, the family has been experiencing a true drama.

What triggered the whole situation? In a family discussion, the eldest girl, Sara, imperatively asked her parents to buy her makeup and a smartphone.

The parents responded: you are too young and very beautiful, there is no need for makeup at this age, we bought you a laptop, with which you have Internet access both at school and at home, you have everything you need, knowing that at school the children mentioned - kids use smartphones to access pornographic websites. Then, naturally, the parents, who are raised in a Christian family, preferred not to comply with this request.


The girl threatened that if her request was not met, she would tell at school that they were suffering from domestic violence. And that's what happened.

The social worker, without any verification, came and took the girls.

The other girl, Diana, from the beginning, very clearly stated that it was her sister's invention, that they are loved and respected in the family, that there is no abuse whatsoever.

The other girl, who initially made this false statement, after two to three days realized that the situation was very delicate and very clearly told the social worker and the police that there was no mistreatment and that it was her request, which for some reason, the parents did not comply with at that time.

The police conducted an investigation and within a month, at most two, closed this case because obviously there was no such evidence, from which point on, practically, there was no reason for the girls to continue to be held by the social worker," Corlăţean reported.


5 Suicide Attempts

He added that the action of separating the girls is taking place "at an accelerated pace," and parents are prohibited from seeing them, a fact that "violates" international conventions on the matter.

"This action of separating the girls has been proceeding at an accelerated pace since then, parents are prohibited from seeing the girls, at most one hour per month, later, one hour every six weeks. The girls are separated, violating international conventions on the matter, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which clearly states that siblings should remain together, they are sent to different foster families.

At present, they have reached the fourth foster family for each child, with some psychological abuses towards the children, things that the girls confess and which have led them, especially Sara, to resort to ultimately reckless gestures.

Two weeks ago, Sara made the fifth suicide attempt.

So far, she has used poison, pills, attempted hanging, used a board to cut her wrist veins, and the last time she used a knife, was stopped by the foster family, the police were informed, and she was taken back to the psychiatric service.

Sara is also subjected to incorrect treatment, with psychotropic pills, has reached 96 kilograms at the age of 12, and is a girl who constantly says: I want to go back to my parents," the senator claimed.

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