Cristian Diaconescu wants to run for the presidency of Romania

Cristian Diaconescu wants to run for the presidency of Romania

Former PMP president Cristian Diaconescu announced on Thursday evening his intention to run as an independent candidate in the presidential elections, stating that he has already begun the campaign to gather the over 200,000 signatures required.

“I have decided to run for the presidency of Romania as an independent. Independent does not mean alone. I am together with the Romanians, and they are alongside me, and I am alongside them. We can submit a candidacy, but we need over 200,000 signatures.

There are multiple obstacles in the way of independent candidates. It is not easy at all, we have already started collecting signatures,” Diaconescu stated in a video message posted on Facebook on Thursday evening.

He mentioned that volunteers are already gathering signatures in several cities across the country.

“We need your help, you are the force that can turn this initiative into a national movement. I know it's not easy, but with every signature, we are one step closer to the change we desire,” Diaconescu emphasized.

He has created a web page where additional information about the signature gathering campaign can be found.

Astăzi îmi anunț oficial candidatura independentă la Președinția României. Împreună putem construi România Respectată!

Publicată de Cristian Diaconescu pe Joi, 29 august 2024

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