Two tourists were attacked and injured by a bear

Two tourists were attacked and injured by a bear

Two tourists from Moldova were attacked by a bear on Sunday near a hotel in the Slănic Moldova resort (Romania).

The call to 112 was received at 10:54, and the gendarmes from Bacău were directed to the location of an accommodation unit, where a man and his wife were injured by a bear.

The gendarmes found the 27-year-old man and his 24-year-old wife in the area of their accommodation unit. The two were walking with other tourists when they were attacked from behind by a bear, but they were lucky that, after a few moments, the animal moved away and gave up its aggressive intentions due to the noises made by the tourists.


The tourists needed specialized care and were very scared, being taken care of by a medical team that arrived at the scene and transported them to the Onești Emergency Department.

The gendarme forces have been reinforced and they will remain in the area patrolling to ensure that the danger is no longer imminent.

The gendarmes recommend that citizens call the emergency number 112 when they see wild animals in the vicinity of human settlements, as these animals can pose a real danger.


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