British tourist bitten by a bear in Romania. "I thought it wanted us to be friends"

British tourist bitten by a bear in Romania. "I thought it wanted us to be friends"

A tourist from Scotland was bitten by a bear near the Vidraru Dam in Romania.

Her friend recounts how she thought the wild animal wanted to be friends with them.

The 72-year-old tourist was visiting the Vidraru Dam when she saw two bears.

She really wanted a picture with the animals, so she rolled down the car window, as reported by Observator News

"When I was in the car, I wanted to take a picture and the bear came to the window. My friend told me, 'No problem. Let's take a picture and leave,'” the bitten woman recounts.

However, the bear came very close, and the picture captured it with its paw already hanging inside the car.

The victim's friend made a rather bizarre statement: "I thought it wanted to be friends and eat. My friend told me to give it some food, and I said no, you're not allowed to give food, absolutely nothing. I think the bear heard me and decided to eat, to eat my friend."

The woman bitten on the hand was taken to the Curtea de Argeș Municipal Hospital; fortunately, doctors say she is in very good condition, and the wound is minor.

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