We no longer breed minks to kill them! Parliament bans fur farms

We no longer breed minks to kill them! Parliament bans fur farms

The project to ban fur farms starting January 1, 2027 has passed through the Romanian Parliament and is heading for promulgation.

The Chamber of Deputies adopted, on Tuesday, as the decision-making body, the bill that prohibits the breeding and killing of chinchilla and mink species for fur production and commercialization.

There were 217 votes „in favor,” six „against,” and seven abstentions.

The project amends Article 22 of Law no. 205/2004 on the protection of animals in this regard.

„By exception, (…) breeding, intentional capture, as well as killing, for commercial purposes, of chinchilla and mink species are prohibited, starting January 1, 2027,” states the adopted regulatory act.

Liberal Deputy Gheorghe Pecingină stated about the adopted bill that „it is, first and foremost, a victory for animal lovers and a victory for those who wanted Romania to be among the European countries where animal abuse ceases, and cruelty and medieval behaviors come to an end.”


The report of the specialized committees justifies the need for a two-year transition period until 2027 to apply this provision in order "to meet the need for economic predictability, allowing farm owners time to liquidate their businesses."

The Liberal specified that a grace period was granted for these "farms" that exist, few in number, to have predictability and to close or relocate to other countries where legislation permits.

Additionally, at the same time, the employees of these farms need time to find other jobs, the report further motivates.


This sector is small in Romania, with only two American mink farms and less than 10 chinchilla farms.

The Senate, as the first notified chamber, adopted the project back in December 2022.

Humane Society International/Europe (HSI/Europe) played a central role in this process, through sustained investigations and campaigns that revealed the horrifying conditions in fur farms. Nearly 74,000 Romanians expressed their support for this measure, signing the petition to ban fur farms, and the signatures were submitted to Parliament.


"By banning fur farms, Romania demonstrates a strong commitment to animal welfare and moves towards a more compassionate society, where animals are no longer seen as fashion accessories," says Andreea Roseti, HSI/Europe Country Director in Romania, quoted in a statement sent to SpotMedia.ro on Tuesday after the vote.

In addition to animal protection, this decision contributes to preventing environmental and public health risks associated with fur farms.

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