15-year-old girl died after a TikTok challenge

15-year-old girl died after a TikTok challenge

A 15-year-old girl from Călăraşi, Romania, died after allegedly attempting a TikTok challenge.

The tragedy occurred on Monday evening in the village of Dor Mărunt, while the teenager was home alone.

Ștefania was the niece of brothers Iulian and Ion Iacomi, the former being the mayor of Lehliu-Gara town and the latter the mayor of Dor Mărunt commune, as reported by the local press.

According to preliminary investigation information, the girl allegedly placed one leg of the bed frame around her neck and went under it, causing self-asphyxiation.


Furthermore, she reportedly put a pair of socks in her mouth, hindering her breathing.

The girl was found dead by two classmates, who called 112.

Ambulance doctors tried for over an hour to resuscitate her.

Investigators are working to determine the circumstances that led to the girl's death and whether the TikTok challenge played a role in it.

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