Romanian man arrested for treason. He collected military information and sent the data to the Russian Embassy

Romanian man arrested for treason. He collected military information and sent the data to the Russian Embassy

A Romanian man has been arrested on charges of having surveilled Romanian military or NATO targets in Tulcea since 2022.

The man collected military information and took photographs of military equipment and the movement of personnel in the border area with Ukraine.

Subsequently, he transmitted the data to the Russian Embassy in Bucharest.

"On 23.05.2024, the prosecutors of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) - Central Structure ordered the detention of a defendant (Romanian citizen) investigated for the crime of treason.


From the evidence gathered in the case, it emerged that starting in 2022, he proceeded to surveil Romanian military or NATO targets located near the city of Tulcea, collecting military information and taking photographs of military equipment and personnel movement in the border area with Ukraine, which he transmitted to diplomats at the Russian Embassy in Bucharest," according to a DIICOT press release.

Following the conducted home searches, several items of evidence were identified and seized.

The Bucharest Court of Appeal was notified, which ordered the preventive arrest of the defendant for a period of 30 days.


DIICOT specifies that throughout the entire criminal process, the individuals under investigation benefit from the procedural rights and guarantees provided by the Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as the presumption of innocence.

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