Historic high for the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Hidroelectrica shares have surged over 30% compared to the listing offer

Historic high for the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Hidroelectrica shares have surged over 30% compared to the listing offer

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) reached a new all-time high in Friday’s trading session, as the benchmark index BET rose by 1.4% to 17,680.5 points, driven by the appreciation of several stocks in its composition.

Thus, the biggest gains were delivered by Purcari (3.5%), OMV Petrom (3.2%), Transelectrica (2.8%), Romgaz (2.4%), MedLife (2.3%), Digi Communications (1.8%), Hidroelectrica (1.3%), Aquila Part Prod (1.3%), and Banca Transilvania (1.1%).

On the other hand, the biggest declines were recorded by Transport Trade Services (minus 2.5%) and One United Properties (minus 1.6%), according to data from the BVB.

Stocks like Romgaz and Digi approached their historical highs, while Hidroelectrica and Banca Transilvania reached historical valuations of 61.3 billion lei and 24.9 billion lei on Friday.

Hidroelectrica's shares (136 lei) have recorded an increase of over 30% compared to the final price from the listing offer, representing a nearly 35% increase compared to the discounted price. The most recent peak was reached on January 9 (135.4 lei).

The liquidity exceeded 91 million lei, with the most traded stocks being Banca Transilvania (21 million lei), Hidroelectrica (11.3 million lei), and OMV Petrom (8.9 million lei).

Stock liquidity reached around 90 million lei five times in the last 10 sessions.

The main index's increase so far in May is 3.6%, while the total return with dividends is 5.7%.

It is worth noting that the BET-TR index, which includes dividends paid by companies in the top stock league, has reached 17.9% since the beginning of the year, compared to a gain of around 13.5% (in lei) for the American S&P 500 Total Return index.

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