Major water supply issues in 600 cities across the country

Major water supply issues in 600 cities across the country

The National Administration „Romanian Waters” announces on Monday that the situation of water resources continues to be monitored, specifying that there are restrictions and issues in almost 600 localities, as a new heatwave has started in Romania.

The filling coefficient in the 40 reservoir lakes is 78.14%, down from last week’s 78.59%.

"Even though water reserves are decreasing, we ensure the necessary raw water supply for beneficiaries from the surface water source in a centralized system. We estimate that by the end of August, in the 40 main reservoir lakes crucial for water supply to the population and industries, and for electricity production for the National Energy System, a filling coefficient of approximately 75% will be reached," specifies Romanian Waters.


The flow rate of the Danube at the country's entrance (Baziaş section) is 3000 m³/s, expected to decrease to 2800 m³/s, well below the multi-year average for August (4300 m³/s), according to the forecast of the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management.

Several sectors of the Danube, related to 41 localities, have entered the alert phase.

Water supply restrictions

"Currently, 311 localities (including 8 cities - Dorohoi, Novaci, Iaşi, Paşcani, Târgu Ocna, Hârlău, Roman, Târgu Neamţ, Solca) that have centralized water supply systems are affected by the water reserve deficit, with water supply being ensured with restrictions during certain time intervals," adds Romanian Waters.


The most affected counties are Iaşi - 93 localities, Vrancea - 35 localities, Neamţ - 36 localities, Botoşani - 31 localities, Gorj - 28 localities, Bacău - 17 localities, Galaţi - 14 localities, Mehedinţi - 8 localities, Vaslui - 10 localities, Olt - 8 localities, Argeş and Giurgiu - 6 localities, Dâmboviţa - 5 localities, Suceava - 4 localities, Teleorman - 2 localities, Dolj and Caraş-Severin - 1 locality.

In addition, 272 localities - lacking centralized water supply systems, relying only on individual sources - are affected by the prolonged drought, with dried-up wells (located on state and private property).


The most affected counties are Botoşani - 153 localities including the city of Dorohoi, Vaslui - 59 localities, Bacău - 18 localities, Neamţ - 12 localities, Suceava - 9 localities, Iaşi - 7 localities, Galaţi - 5 localities.

"Considering the hydro-meteorological forecast for the immediate future, we urge the population to use water rationally, with top priority being the water supply to the population," specialists further conveyed.

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