Iulian Fota: This assassination attempt puts even more pressure on Joe Biden. Trump could be a statesman! Video interview

Iulian Fota, former state secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is optimistic and says that the former president will change. His main argument is that Russia and China have allied against America, the Western world in general, and global order and stability are strongly threatened.
Iulian Fota: This assassination attempt puts even more pressure on Joe Biden. Trump could be a statesman! Video interview

Donald Trump made an appearance at the Republican National Convention with a large, white bandage covering his left ear. He told reporters from the New York Post that a part of it „went away.” The bullet crushed it, passing millimeters away from the skull.

The former president was marked by the experience he went through. He received medical care, underwent surgery in the affected area, and the pain was evident on his face.

For the first time, Trump displayed a sad smile in public, and his aura of a wealthy and privileged man appeared cracked.

In an interview with Spotmedia.ro, Iulian Fota, an expert in security issues, former Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and former presidential adviser, spoke about the impact of the assassination attempt on a former American president.

TRANSFORMATION. Iulian Fota claims that Donald Trump will change after being shot and injured in an assassination attempt - Photo: Eduard Vînătoru/ Mediafax/ Hepta.ro

"First and foremost, before the relevance of this incident for Donald Trump and his electoral campaign, the individual who fired the shot severely wounded America," said Iulian Fota. 


"This is because it showed that the spiral of violence in America has escalated and, in a way, perhaps all bad is for good, this will force Americans to confront this issue and seek a solution. Perhaps a solution is already being worked on," added the security expert.

Implicațiile internaționale ale atentatului asupra lui Trump

The Spiral of Violence

In a post made by the former president shortly after the attack, he speaks truthfully about unity, but also about revenge, about the quick closure of the criminal investigations against him, criticizing the Department of Justice and his political enemies, the Democrats.

"America has been hurt... I am not a fan of Donald Trump... I do not like his way of breaking the rules, of not respecting the competitive framework. I do not like the fact that he incited people to rebel against American institutions and in the electoral campaign, when asked if he would respect the election results, he gave an ambiguous answer," explained Iulian Fota.

"If Donald Trump takes advantage of this moment and fuels the spiral of violence and demands a drastic, firm reaction against the Democrats, considering them morally guilty, I am afraid that the spiral of violence will continue to develop and could lead to even uglier things, especially in a country where many people have guns at home," added the former Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 


This assassination attempt puts even more pressure on Joe Biden. The Secret Service, the agency that protected Trump, was under his command, being somewhat responsible for the failure to protect the former president.

Iulian Fota, expert in security issues

"It's the worst-case scenario, and if Donald Trump pushes his electorate in this direction, I am afraid we will end up with even uglier things. However, there is the other option, and here, it would be an encouraging sign. We have yet to see what happens at the Republican Convention," said the specialist, who is counting on a change in Trump's attitude and a call for unity, balance, and the rejection of politically motivated violence.

Trump Has the Opportunity to Become a Statesman

"Joe Biden made a gesture in this regard and has already sent a signal that he wants to take America out of the spiral of violence. Violence helps no one, and in politics, it is not a solution. Political systems that have relied on violence have ended up in a worse situation, with more costs, more victims," said Iulian Fota in the interview given to Spotmedia.ro.


"Donald Trump currently has the opportunity to be a statesman. Not a politician, not a Republican, not a showman who knows very well how to manage his moments of visibility and exposure, but to be a statesman who puts America first," said the expert.

"Not only America has fallen into the trap of violence. Two months ago, we had an assassination attempt against the Prime Minister of Slovakia. Emmanuel Macron was talking between the two rounds of elections in France about the danger of a civil war, where there is again a very tense political situation. From what seemed like an isolated issue, we realize that violence is a major vulnerability of the Western world, and a solution must be found quickly," emphasized Iulian Fota. 

"At the NATO summit a few days ago, both the Russian threat, which is much more serious and grave than the general public imagines, considering all the sabotage campaigns and assassinations that Russia commits in Europe, as well as the Chinese issue, were outlined."

NATO is sending a message to Russia that Article 5 can be activated following acts of sabotage or the assassination of individuals in member states

Iulian Fota, expert in security issues

"So, the way Donald Trump manages the situation and takes America out of the spiral of violence could later have a positive effect on Europe, to build a way out of this trap," explained the expert in global security issues.

Vance, Trump's Vice President, Not Interested in Ukraine

On the first day of the Republican Convention, Donald Trump announced the name of his choice for vice president, Senator from Ohio, J.D. Vance, 39 years old.

He has been a vocal critic of U.S. aid to the government in Kiev. In an interview, he said, "I don't care what happens to Ukraine."

On the other hand, although he is now a staunch supporter of Donald Trump, presenting himself as one of the most conservative American politicians, in 2016, Vance was a major critic of the current president when he won the presidency.

Trump Appears With Bandaged Ear At RNC - Milwaukee
VICE PRESIDENT. Donald Trump, with a bandaged ear, alongside J.D. Vance, Senator from Ohio, nominated for the position of Vice President of the United States in the event that the Republicans regain the White House - Photo: Hepta.ro

Trump's pick is part of the new generation of leaders, being opportunistic, without formed and tested beliefs based on reality.

In the discussion with Spotmedia.ro, Iulian Fota appreciated Donald Trump's choice for the vice president position, saying that it is important for younger people to come to the forefront of American politics.

"The electoral campaign is between a 78-year-old candidate and an 81-year-old one. What is the future perspective, at least in the medium term, for America? Who are the next leaders?" rhetorically asked Iulian Fota.

In the expert's opinion, this choice forces both major parties in the U.S. to rejuvenate the front line of leaders, especially since the signals coming from public opinion accuse the advanced age of the two candidates.

NATO felt the need to warn China. This means that China's support for Russia is much more substantial than we see or know based on the public information we have

Iulian Fota, expert in security issues

Speaking about the anti-NATO sentiment expressed by Trump and Vance, the new nominee for the vice president position, Iulian Fota said that the situation will change.

Russian President Vladimir Putin in China
CHINA AND RUSSIA. The alliance between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, a major threat to the U.S. - Photo: Hepta.ro

"The issue of Republican isolationism has greatly diminished. This happened also because, in recent months, the interaction between American institutions and the Republican Party has been close, with multiple briefings. It has started to be understood, and I am convinced that J.D. Vance will also understand that Russia and China, aggression against Ukraine, and the Taiwan issue are interconnected. You can't solve one without considering the other," said Iulian Fota to Spotmedia.ro.

In the following days, Donald Trump will deliver his acceptance speech for his party's nomination as a presidential candidate. Then it will be clearer in which direction the former president will evolve after the tragic experience of being injured in an assassination attempt. 

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