Romanian PM Ciolacu announces that he is withdrawing from the presidential race, regardless of the recount result

Romanian PM Ciolacu announces that he is withdrawing from the presidential race, regardless of the recount result

Romanian PM and PSD candidate in the presidential elections Marcel Ciolacu announces on Thursday evening that he will withdraw from the race, regardless of the vote recount result, but accuses the Opposition (USR) of manipulation. He also states that he does not desire the second place, focusing on Sunday’s general elections.

Here is Marcel Ciolacu’s Facebook post:

"How manipulation works:

1. If PSD wins, it means they want all the power;

2. If PSD loses, they behave with dignity and do not create a circus like others with various challenges, it means they "know something";

3. If a Member of the European Parliament, elected on the AUR lists, challenges at the CCR and the CCR unanimously decides to recount the votes, it means it's orchestrated by PSD, who wants to steal;

4. If USR manipulates the votes or keeps people in the streets at 40 degrees claiming they want a recount, it's called a DEMOCRATIC initiative."

Marcel Ciolacu asserts that, together with "all the honest people in the country," he is fed up with "this nauseating propaganda."

"We need to know for sure if the vote was tainted. More directly: if it was STOLEN! For this, I recommend the Central Electoral Bureau to urgently accredit all civic associations, especially those that have already been present in the polling stations and have experience in elections, who wish to participate as independent observers in the recount process of the votes from the presidential elections. And if someone has stolen, they must answer to the Romanians," wrote the resigning President of the PSD.

Later edit: pentru că văd că propaganda și-a mai adăugat un punct pe listă. Ca să fie clar pentru toată lumea! Eu sunt...

Publicată de Marcel Ciolacu pe Joi, 28 noiembrie 2024

He also announces his withdrawal from the presidential race: "And to calm the propaganda: if it is proven following the recount that I was disadvantaged, I announce that I will withdraw from the race for the presidency of Romania anyway.

I do not want the second place! I am not interested. I just want Romanians to know the truth, which is more important than my candidacy. And then Romanians will know how to punish those who have stolen, faster than institutions will do."

He calls for the mobilization of his colleagues and Romanians for Sunday's elections: "First place in the parliamentary elections means that the future government will have a PSD prime minister! Meaning the continuation of started projects and the development of this country."

The Constitutional Court decided in Thursday's session to request the re-verification and recount of all ballots containing valid and invalid votes in the presidential elections.

The Central Electoral Bureau has established how the recount of votes will be conducted, with the bags to be handed over based on a process verbal. By December 1, 10:00 p.m., scanned verbal processes must be sent to the BEC, and the originals must arrive by December 3, 4:00 p.m.

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