Mountain Rescue Tips After the Tragedies that Occurred in the Mountains: What Tourists Should Do If They Can No Longer See the Trail Markers

Mountain Rescue Tips After the Tragedies that Occurred in the Mountains: What Tourists Should Do If They Can No Longer See the Trail Markers

Mountain rescuers are issuing some recommendations following the recent tragedies in the mountains. Tourists are advised not to climb the mountain unequipped, without thoroughly researching the route, and in order not to get lost, they should constantly check the trail markings.

In the wake of the tragic events in recent days, the Public Mountain Rescue Service – Salvaspeo Brașov is sounding the alarm and making a strong appeal to tourists, hikers, and mountain enthusiasts. Safety always begins with thorough preparation.

The lack of proper equipment, prior research, and correct orientation can turn a simple hike into an emergency situation, emphasize the mountain rescuers.

The Salvamont officials have some important recommendations for those who hike in the mountains:

  • Route preparation is essential before setting off. Tourists should gather information about the difficulty of the route, its duration, elevation gain, and weather forecast.
  • Use updated maps or dedicated GPS apps that work offline.
  • The chosen route and estimated return time should be communicated to family, friends, or the cabin staff.
  • The weather in the mountain area can be unpredictable, and trails should be avoided in stormy or foggy conditions.
  • Traveling on trails in groups, alongside individuals with mountain experience.
  • Constantly check the trail markings and stop if they are out of sight for more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Researching the route beforehand and identifying clear landmarks in the terrain, such as valleys, rivers, or rocks, are essential steps for safety.
  • A map and compass should be in the backpack, and in emergency situations, direction can also be approximated using the sun or shadows.

‼️ În urma evenimentelor tragice din ultimele zile, Serviciul Public Județean Salvamont - Salvaspeo Brașov trage un...

Publicată de Salvamont Brașov pe Marţi, 17 decembrie 2024

The rescuers emphasize that individuals who get lost should "act calmly and logically," immediately stop, avoid moving erratically, and try to return to the last visible marking.

"In foggy conditions, difficult terrain, or at night, tourists should stay in a safe place and seek help. Search and rescue teams can be alerted by calling the emergency number 112 or using the 112 Call app developed by the Special Telecommunications Service.

It is crucial to provide the 112 operator and the Salvamont dispatcher with clear information about the approximate position and landmarks nearby. Signaling the position with a whistle, flashlight, or bright-colored clothing can be vital for rescuers," Salvamont specifies.

Two groups of tourists got lost in the Leaota Peak area after being caught in a blizzard and nightfall. A group of 20 people and one consisting of three individuals were rescued by the rescuers after extremely difficult actions.

One of the tourists died after suffering severe injuries, caused by slipping on snow and falling a great distance.

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