Romanian President: Our demand is that when we donate high-capacity systems like the Patriot, we are reasonably compensated (Video)

Romanian President: Our demand is that when we donate high-capacity systems like the Patriot, we are reasonably compensated (Video)

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis made statements in Washington on Wednesday evening, where he is participating in the NATO summit, during which American President Joe Biden mentioned Romania twice in his speech.

Here are the main ideas expressed by the Romanian head of state:

  • Our demand is that when we donate high-capacity systems like Patriot, we should be reasonably compensated. These things are being negotiated these days with the American partner, with NATO, and the first progress has already been made
  • In the Supreme Defence Council, we extensively discussed this issue a few days ago and we gave a mandate to the Minister of Defence and negotiations are ongoing, and our wish is to receive another Patriot system in exchange, of course, not tomorrow, but in a relatively near future.
  • But I believe we will also obtain systems that will be delivered more quickly to compensate for the donation of this Patriot system
  • Our objective is to be a state with strong self-defense, with a strong army, guaranteeing Romania's security. At the same time, we want the strengthening of the Eastern Flank, unity, and solidarity among allies
  • We request and desire these things, but we also participate in them. I don't think we are in a position to ask without giving and, it seems, lately, we give more than we ask for, because we can, because we have done our homework, because Romanians understand the stakes of security, and I believe that Romania today has a good position
  • We support Ukraine, we support the Republic of Moldova, we donate Patriot - because we can and because we consider it fair.
  • Romania has transformed from a state that prayed to receive any kind of help into a state that has the strength, energy, and capabilities to export security throughout the region.
  • Romania has become safer, stronger, and more involved, especially in the last 10 years.
  • Romania and its citizens benefit from the most important security guarantee of all time.
  • Russia remains the greatest risk to European and Euro-Atlantic security, and in the face of Russian attacks, NATO must be prepared to defend itself
  • Unity and solidarity clearly represent our strategic advantage, and this has been evident in the years since the Russian aggression against Ukraine began.
  • We will sign the security agreement between Romania and Ukraine tomorrow morning. Thus, we join the other allies who have signed this type of bilateral document with Ukraine.
  • The Republic of Moldova is reflected in the final NATO declaration.
  • We have started discussing the importance of military mobility, and here, in Washington, Romania will join a military mobility corridor together with Bulgaria and Greece. It is an initiative that belongs to us.
Declarații de presă susținute în marja Summitului NATO de la Washington, D.C., SUA

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