Parents nowadays have been facing more frequently for some years now with the addiction(s) of their children and adolescents.
Addictions vary from games, sweets, tobacco/alcohol, and culminate with drug addiction. Addiction can be physical and/or psychological, and the psychotherapeutic process needs to be tailored.
Each addiction leads, among other things, to behavioral changes. At that point, many parents clearly notice that something is not right with their child, and the question arises: What do I do now?
The first instinct is to talk to the child and try to find out what is happening, which is very good to do. After that, together with the child, they need to reach the conclusion that it is a problem that requires a more specialized approach depending on each situation.
It is good for the parent to talk to the child, but being a parent has some limitations in certain situations and they need to access specialists to receive the necessary help. In reality, some parents try to solve their children's addiction at home without specialized help, which can hinder the process or worsen the situation.
Why do some parents not seek specialized help? One reason might be the social stigma that if you go to a psychologist/psychiatrist/psychotherapist, it means you are crazy. Another reason might be the high cost for some parents of psychotherapy sessions, and another reason might be that they do not have specialists who can help them in the area where they live.
It is important for the parent to realize and adapt their behavior to the addiction of the child/adolescent and to avoid behaving as if everything is okay, or worse, blaming the child/adolescent for the current situation.
Pay close attention! Addiction is not a whim, and one's own will is not enough to overcome the situation. Those who are addicted need psychotherapy and/or psychiatric medication plus other specific individual needs.
From the moment a parent identifies a possible addiction, it is advisable to seek specialists and together with them help their children overcome this problem, which is largely related to the psyche but closely linked to the physical aspect.