What is the sonic cannon - the invisible weapon that would have been used against protesters in Belgrade (video)

What is the sonic cannon - the invisible weapon that would have been used against protesters in Belgrade (video)

Over 100,000 people took to the streets in Belgrade on Saturday to protest against President Aleksandar Vučić and his government. The rally was marked by a shocking moment: several video recordings show protesters reacting suddenly, displaying disorientation and extreme panic. Many of them appeared dizzy, while others collapsed.

This would have been the moment when a sonic cannon would have been used. Serbian officials vehemently deny these accusations, but the incidents have sparked concern and calls for an international investigation.

### Authorities deny, but witnesses speak of widespread panic

Representatives of the Opposition and human rights groups claim that security forces used a military-grade acoustic device to disperse the protesters.

„This act represents a blatant show of force and an attempt to generate chaos,” said the Belgrade Center for Security Policy.

– [Romanian taken to the police and forced to leave Serbia. Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested clarifications from Belgrade authorities](https://spotmedia.ro/stiri/eveniment/roman-dus-la-politie-si-obligat-sa-paraseasca-serbia-mae-a-cerut-clarificari-autoritatilor-de-la-belgrad)

Opposition representatives have announced that they will file complaints with the European Court of Human Rights and domestic courts against those who ordered the attack, as reported by [AP](https://apnews.com/article/serbia-protest-sonic-weapon-8502587e5849997175a5ea02f98d2e19).

Serbian authorities categorically reject the accusations.

„I request… the Ministry of Justice and the Prosecutor’s Office to react, either to prosecute those who used this weapon – although we know they did not use it, but let’s check – or to hold accountable those who spread such an obvious lie,” said President Vučić.

– [Crisis in Serbia: National radio-television headquarters blocked by protesters (Video)](https://spotmedia.ro/stiri/eveniment/criza-in-serbia-sediile-radio-televiziunii-nationale-blocate-de-manifestanti-video)

[Link to Twitter post](https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1901244199220982213)

### What is a sonic cannon

The origin of the sonic cannon dates back to the period of World War II, when Hitler’s chief architect, Albert Speer, was working on an „acoustic cannon.” The weapon was designed to produce intense sound explosions to incapacitate or even kill the enemy.

Although the German project was never completed, it paved the way for the use of sonic weapons in modern conflicts.

Today, more than 70 countries use Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD) technology, initially developed by the US military.

LRAD is a device that can emit an incredibly powerful „beam” of sound, up to 160 decibels (dB).

To understand how powerful 160 dB is, it is important to note that sound volume or „Sound Pressure Level” (SPL) is not a linear measure: a 10 dB increase actually corresponds to a tenfold increase in SPL. A 20 dB increase would be a 100-fold increase in SPL.

These devices can generate deafening sounds audible up to 14 kilometers away and can cause extreme pain, temporary hearing loss, and severe disorientation, as explained by [The Conversation](https://theconversation.com/whats-an-lrad-explaining-the-sonic-weapons-police-use-for-crowd-control-and-communication-177442).

### How the sonic cannon originated and its uses

The LRAD sonic cannon was developed by the US military in collaboration with LRAD Corporation after the bombing of the USS Cole aircraft carrier.

During the October 2000 incident, an explosion caused a hole in the ship’s hull while it was in a port in Yemen, killing 17 American sailors.

LRAD systems have various uses, including maritime security, wildlife control and conservation, as well as border and port security.

LRAD sound cannons are also installed at airports to deter birds from flying into the path of aircraft.

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